Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

What is the best foil for free riding, gybing and surfing?

Created by waterbouy101 > 9 months ago, 13 May 2020
NSW, 42 posts
13 May 2020 8:23PM
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I learned to foil on a starboard GT-R and I'm thinking of getting another foil, something for cruising on. Something that is good out in the ocean, good for gybing and surfing. So what are people running and what's your opinions?



QLD, 1471 posts
13 May 2020 9:17PM
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I'm using my Starboard race foil

WA, 3159 posts
13 May 2020 7:30PM
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jusavina said..
I'm using my Starboard race foil

Love it

NSW, 42 posts
14 May 2020 4:42PM
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I would have thought the SB race foil would be too unforgiving in the ocean??

2626 posts
14 May 2020 9:25PM
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waterbouy101 said..
I would have thought the SB race foil would be too unforgiving in the ocean??

What would suggest that? If anything, it would be too stable given the long fuselage (unless he's changed down to 95 or 75). Given the lack of drag, probably everything happens somewhat faster (e.g. jibes) but he certainly has the skills to deal with that.

WA, 896 posts
15 May 2020 7:35AM
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Neil Pryde Glides are pretty good for cruising. You have three wing options but I don't think you need them all. The medium would be fine if you're not too heavy, and its very stable as well as very carveable.

142 posts
15 May 2020 8:02AM
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Slingshot 76 does all of the above

765 posts
15 May 2020 3:31PM
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Im usually an high aspect advocate, but you seem like the perfect candidate for a low aspect / Slingshot type foil. Those do all you want them to, if you ride small sails. Just note that the speeds are going to be about 2/3rds of what you're used to, and the foil is gonna feel draggy because of that. Never the less, its one of the best foils for surfing swells with a windfoil.


Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

"What is the best foil for free riding, gybing and surfing?" started by waterbouy101