Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

Slingshot Freestyle 87L with Infinity 65cm wing

Created by azymuth > 9 months ago, 28 Nov 2019
WA, 2100 posts
28 Nov 2019 5:31PM
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Freestyle 87 and Infinity 65 combo is next-level fun - rockets down the swells and turns almost too fast

A tad more difficult to gybe on a swell than the bigger wings - need good speed through the arc to maintain lift, which can mean crazy acceleration coming out of the turn while switchfoot - and the narrow wing doesn't have much side-side stability. Still easier to gybe than a wave board and awesome fun.
Flew upwind at 18 knots with crazy angles and cranking carves downwind was relatively easy even in today's extreme conditions.
If there's a better ocean foiling setup I haven't seen it

SSW 25-28 knots, 1.5 -2m swells, Simmer Blacktip 3.7m, Infinity 65 high aspect thin-section wing (841cm2)

The downwind run

Tracks till battery ran out

Jesper turned up frothing with his new 87

My setup

2189 posts
29 Nov 2019 2:20AM
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I've heard this is "the" Slingshot wing and board combo for jumping.

WA, 2100 posts
29 Nov 2019 10:50AM
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Grantmac said..
I've heard this is "the" Slingshot wing and board combo for jumping.

Makes sense but I'll leave it to the "youngsters" to find out - locally I think Jonah will be first to properly jump when he gets his 65

2 Dec 2019 6:51AM
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I just had one go on this board, the same day as JJ in the 25+ kts seabreeze, with gusts up towards the 30 kts

I didn't expect 1 year ago that I would do any foiling in 20+ kts or so. But just thought I would have foiling as 'the light wind option'.
Also I didn't expect to use any boards under 125/ 105L.
Well things changed :)

That was actually a lot of fun with a 3.7 fully powered up + the new Freestyle 87L
I used the 76cm front wing, that could be seen as pretty powerfull set up, - but I just love the 76cm for every condition.
JJ used the new 65cm front wing, and this is probably the more fitting choice for those conditions ( I will get on this next time)

I was skeptical before going out with the ability to go back upwind, as the Wizard 125 and 105 is so efficient at it, I thought I might be disappointed. Also I questioned the 'touch down', as the board is so short, so it looks like you would go straight over the front.

Well I was wrong!

As JJ pointed out the upwind was no problem at all, - it was flying really well into the wind with ease.
The touchdowns was smooth, and it seamed to 'bounce' back efficient and at no time did it catch on the nose section.

The down wind was crazy fun, even with the powerfull 76cm front wing. Quite long glides and carving with zero power in the sail.

I cant wait to improve and get better on this combo :),

Unless you live in a place with steady 18+ kts all the time and all ready having good foiling skills (you also need to water start this board), then it looks like a 2'nd option for a board for stronger conditions.

The Wizard 125/105L and Freestyle 115L, is still the better choice for 1 board option for most foilers.

825 posts
3 Dec 2019 3:10AM
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I'm curious about the Infinity 65 wing. Is it a viable option as a high wind wing? I have the 76 and find it a handful in 20 knots plus with my SS Wizard 125.

I'm around 71 or 72 kilos in weight and I'm looking for a high wind wing with my 3.6 to 4.5 meter sails.

WA, 2100 posts
3 Dec 2019 8:54AM
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dejavu said..
I'm curious about the Infinity 65 wing. Is it a viable option as a high wind wing? I have the 76 and find it a handful in 20 knots plus with my SS Wizard 125.

I'm around 71 or 72 kilos in weight and I'm looking for a high wind wing with my 3.6 to 4.5 meter sails.

I reckon the Infinity 65 is a perfect freeride wing for 18-35 knots for foilers with some experience.

It's leading-edge is quite sharp so when you're moving quickly it's super-efficient - seems to have about 80% of the lift of the Infinity 76 (at speed) with about half the surface area.

In big winds, big chop/swells I'd say it's not really a beginner wing because it accelerates so quickly and has quite a loose feeling.
The Time Code 68 is more forgiving.
But the Infinity 65 is A1 for max fun

2407 posts
3 Dec 2019 2:00PM
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I have found the 76 unmanageable at times in very heavy air, immediately trying to foil at times when I did not want it to. The 65 on the other hand needs a little pop to foil or the board needs to get up to speed so I felt more in control when OP'd.

The 65 is more maneuverable which makes gybing more challenging for me

WA, 2100 posts
4 Dec 2019 6:34PM
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Slingshot Freestyle 87L - awesome fun in 12-16 knots

Super-surprised how easily it flys in light winds. I was expecting it would need about 18 knots.
My waterstart threshold with a 5m is about 12 knots - enough wind to get the board flying with the Infinity 76 wing.

The board is nicely balanced - to get foiling, feet out and forward of the straps to avoid sinking the tail, a few feet and sail pumps in 12 knots and I'm up. Once flying step back and easily put both feet in the straps.

Love the tiny board feel when flying

I'm 82 kgs, for lightweights say 70kgs or less this could even be a 1 board solution if you live in a windy spot - although the Wizard 105 is hard to beat

SSW 12-16 knots

lao shi
WA, 1319 posts
5 Dec 2019 4:54AM
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And not just for experts. I had my first go on Azymuth's set up yesterday. I have foiled intermittently over the last year with some big time gaps maybe 25 sessions.
Water starting is about the same as a wave board.
The board is a bit more technical to get going on in the bottom end of the wind range as you have to trim to keep the nose on the surface as there is so little volume in the nose. When the wind picked up it lifted easily. Once flying the main difference is how hard it carves with your feet closer to the foil centre line. As stable as the wizard in a straight line but definitely looser feel. I can see the potential for a heap of fun.
surprised at getting it going when I wouldn't have been planing on my big wave gear combo of 6.1 /92l @ 70kg

lao shi
WA, 1319 posts
24 Dec 2019 9:35AM
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2nd session on Azymuth's 87 this time with the Infinity 65 wing and more wind 4.5m. Dutch Inn gusting to 18knts bit of wind swell.

Easy to get started with more wind and keeping the nose above the surface when on the water is not a problem.

Definitely notice the acceleration/speed difference of the smaller wing but again impressed by the stability of the slingshot set ups. Flying high and it just goes faster rather than trying to spit you out. I was waiting for the breach a couple of times but didn't happen. Get on the rollers, weight forward and you can just ride it without having to head back upwind to stay aloft.

As I become more comfortable with trim I can start to feel the advantage of the smaller set up and rear foot over the foil. You can feel the foil responding to the rollers which before was a bit unsettling but now starts to draw you in to playing with them. And the acceleration is exhilarating. As a 70kg sailor, at my level, the Infinity 65 with the 87 board has a huge amount of potential.

Foiled a Naish 131 (nice board and tackable with more nose real estate) and foil the day before and the slingshot foil has more pitch stability (nose to tail), feels more solid (less flex vibration ) and definitely quicker.

WA, 2100 posts
28 Dec 2019 8:55PM
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2 techniques of freeride foiling emerging, I reckon

Full power foiling with the SS Infinity 65 wing;
Bigger sails - similar size to B&J.
Fast, powered-up s-turns across the swells and rocketing dead downwind at crazy speed.

Conventional freeride foiling;
Tiny sails with the Infinity 76 wing, effortless downwinding, carving every piece of chop and super fun gybing.

Powered up session - SW 18 knots, 5m Tricera wave sail. 22 knot speed dead downwind
Weed affecting the upwind angles

WA, 369 posts
28 Dec 2019 9:23PM
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I went "conventional free ride foiling" today
15 knots Slingshot Infinity 76 with a 4.2 Tricera

29 Dec 2019 7:54AM
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Looks great :)

what is that location Simon?

WA, 369 posts
29 Dec 2019 3:59PM
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Photo was Middleton Beach Albany
They tell me it usually blows easterly at this time of year but I got a couple days of SW which was quite nice cross shore

WA, 2333 posts
29 Dec 2019 5:09PM
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I have a Gamma 68 that came in a kit. I'm on the 84 and have 76 for my next step. Should I keep the Gamma68? I have 2 SS set ups but only need one so going to offload one set up. The Gamma set has a much smaller Stab, everyone talks about the front wing but not a lot about the Stabs. What's the theory there?

ive posted the foil on B&S.

WA, 2333 posts
29 Dec 2019 5:12PM
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azymuth said..
Freestyle 87 and Infinity 65 combo is next-level fun - rockets down the swells and turns almost too fast

A tad more difficult to gybe on a swell than the bigger wings - need good speed through the arc to maintain lift, which can mean crazy acceleration coming out of the turn while switchfoot - and the narrow wing doesn't have much side-side stability. Still easier to gybe than a wave board and awesome fun.
Flew upwind at 18 knots with crazy angles and cranking carves downwind was relatively easy even in today's extreme conditions.
If there's a better ocean foiling setup I haven't seen it

SSW 25-28 knots, 1.5 -2m swells, Simmer Blacktip 3.7m, Infinity 65 high aspect thin-section wing (841cm2)

The downwind run

Tracks till battery ran out

Jesper turned up frothing with his new 87

My setup

What size Stab?

WA, 2100 posts
8 Jan 2020 5:16PM
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The Slingshot Infinity 65 is epic downwind.
Carves as hard as you want and fast - 22 knots dead downwind in 1-1.5m swells
Definitely handles more sail power

Everyone should try one

Top 5 session with Simon and Mark.
SSW 20-25 knots, Simmer Blacktip 4.5m

WA, 369 posts
8 Jan 2020 7:10PM
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Yep, another awesome session
So much fun with a coupla others??
Dave, I reckon keep the Gamma 68. If you run the i76 and the gamma 68 when it gets proper windy you will only need the the 42cm stabiliser.

WA, 2100 posts
8 Jan 2020 7:29PM
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2keen said..
So much fun with a coupla others??

Interesting how it's so much more fun to sail with others than regular windsurfing.
I guess because foiling is so maneuverable and can sail at almost any angle to the wind so it's easier to stay together?
And it's quiet so you can chat while downwinding

765 posts
8 Jan 2020 9:14PM
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azymuth said..

2keen said..
So much fun with a coupla others??

Interesting how it's so much more fun to sail with others than with regular windsurfing.
I guess because foiling is so much more maneuverable and can sail at almost any angle so it's easier to stay together?
And it's quiet so you can chat while downwinding

Totally agree!! I never really go out alone anymore due to this, became much more of a social gathering in the meantime, while not having to go to the beach to chat hahaha.

Ian K
WA, 4120 posts
9 Jan 2020 7:24PM
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azymuth said..
The Slingshot Infinity 65 is epic downwind.
Carves as hard as you want and fast - 22 knots dead downwind in 1-1.5m swells
Definitely handles more sail power

Everyone should try one

Top 5 session with Simon and Mark.
SSW 20-25 knots, Simmer Blacktip 4.5m

Any reports for today? Too windy at South Beach Lagoon to even contemplate.

WA, 2100 posts
9 Jan 2020 7:53PM
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Ian K said..
Any reports for today? Too windy at South Beach Lagoon to even contemplate.

Yep, top 5 windy session with Simon at Dutchies in a solid 25 knots out the back - would have used smaller sails if we had them.

Freestyle 87, Infinity 65, Blacktip 3.7m

Ian K
WA, 4120 posts
9 Jan 2020 8:46PM
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azymuth said..

Ian K said..
Any reports for today? Too windy at South Beach Lagoon to even contemplate.

Yep, top 5 windy session with Simon at Dutchies in a solid 25 knots out the back - would have used smaller sails if we had them.

Freestyle 87, Infinity 65, Blacktip 3.7m

Well done. Nobody sailing anything at Sth Beach when I looked.

WA, 2100 posts
13 Jan 2020 6:11PM
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Stoked with the Infinity 65 the more I use it - has amazing lift for a thin 841 cm2 wing.

Awesome downwinder with a super-fast SUP foiler
Left him at Swanbourne to return, think he went on to City Beach.

SSW 12-20 knots (wing keeps flying in 12 knots), Freestyle 87, Blacktip 4.5m

765 posts
14 Jan 2020 3:47AM
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azymuth said..
Stoked with the Infinity 65 the more I use it - has amazing lift for a thin 841 cm2 wing.

Awesome downwinder with a super-fast SUP foiler
Left him at Swanbourne to return, think he went on to City Beach.

SSW 12-20 knots (wing keeps flying in 12 knots), Freestyle 87, Blacktip 4.5m

I've been telling you guys for ages you don't need those hugeass wings in light wind, even with a small sail hahaha. Way more speed, manouvrability, thighter jibes, ease in gusts and lulls all for free (well, in exchange for a little more rider imput to get going) with a smaller wing. A 4.7 in 10 knots should be totally possible with the I65 for the average weight (80kg) rider.

494 posts
14 Jan 2020 5:27AM
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WhiteofHeart said..

azymuth said..
Stoked with the Infinity 65 the more I use it - has amazing lift for a thin 841 cm2 wing.

Awesome downwinder with a super-fast SUP foiler
Left him at Swanbourne to return, think he went on to City Beach.

SSW 12-20 knots (wing keeps flying in 12 knots), Freestyle 87, Blacktip 4.5m

I've been telling you guys for ages you don't need those hugeass wings in light wind, even with a small sail hahaha. Way more speed, manouvrability, thighter jibes, ease in gusts and lulls all for free (well, in exchange for a little more rider imput to get going) with a smaller wing. A 4.7 in 10 knots should be totally possible with the I65 for the average weight (80kg) rider.

Your mileage may vary. As a weekend warrior 86kg I'd be pumping my 7.3 like crazy with an Infinity 84cm to have any chance of getting on foil in a solid 10kts. Once up I could foil all day at 10kts, but it's unreasonable to think most sailors in this weight range could make a go of 10tks with a 4.7.

WA, 2100 posts
14 Jan 2020 9:16AM
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WhiteofHeart said..I've been telling you guys for ages lulls all for free (well, in exchange for a little more rider imput to get going) with a smaller wing. A 4.7 in 10 knots should be totally possible with the I65 for the average weight (80kg) rider.

"A little more rider input"...

Dude, I've seen your pump video, I think I'd come unglued if I tried to pump like that

23 Jan 2020 6:54AM
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I had quite a few more sessions on the SS Freestyle 87l + 65cm Infinity wing combo. It is so much fun :). Sometimes you are on the edge, but when you start to trust the increased speed and turning ability, then there is some real excitement + still some good crashes:)

if you are getting into the foiling a lot more and finding yourself wanting to go out in more and more windy conditions, then defiantly consider the 65cm wing. Especially if you all ready have the 76cm wing.

( I'm happy to demo my 65cm out, if anybody wants a go)

I would say that you can ride the 76cm wing in most conditions, but in high wind you would need to sheet the sail out quite a lot at times to control it.

In comparison you can really load the 65cm wing up, when you are starting to trust the higher speed and increased carving ability.
also it is easier to adjust and control the flight with smaller movements.
If you can all ready jibe quite well, then the 65cm adds some more fun, with more high speed jibes / or narrower jibes if you want.
I used the 65cm in the standard position B, that seams to work great on the 87L and Wizard 125. If you want a little extra front foot pressure , then in the track system move it 3cm forward, or use position C is also an option.

We tested the 65 on the Wizard 105 and 125, Freestyle 87 and 115L also some have it for the Levitator 150L, and it works great on all combos.

By the way the 87L works just fine with 76cm front wing as well.

WA, 2100 posts
23 Jan 2020 11:30AM
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Jonah flying on the Slingshot Infinity 65 wing and Freestyle 115 last Saturday, Cottesloe WA

Drone images by Thomas Hofmann

WA, 2100 posts
23 Jan 2020 9:34PM
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Drone image Thomas Hofmann

575 posts
25 Jan 2020 5:49AM
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azymuth said..

Drone image Thomas Hofmann

azymuth, the freestyle 87 looks ridiculous(in a good way). I can't imagine a foil setup being more maneuverable then that one. Awesome tracks and pics. Looking forward to the drone video

Now that you've got a bit of a feel and stoke for the infinity 65. Is it your new favorite wing over your old favorite time code 68?

Have you got a chance yet to test which wing you like better on the wizard 105 in 15-20kts or 18-25kts with some wind swell


Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

"Slingshot Freestyle 87L with Infinity 65cm wing" started by azymuth