Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

SOLO SESSION! Slingshot Windfoiling Phantasm and Prototype Spring 2020

Created by CYVRWoody > 9 months ago, 26 Aug 2020
133 posts
26 Aug 2020 11:13PM
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Drone Footage and edit from the QUEEN OF THIS **** @EMILTRON3000 :') Like and subscribe for endless freefoiling content. We love sharing our sessions with you all. Sail: 3.3 Goya Fringe Board: Slingshot Tony Logosz Prototype Foil: Slingshot Phantasm 112 + 73 wing Wind: 12 - 22 knts Instagram: @greg.glazier + @emiltron3000


Here's another one. A cloudy morning windfoiling in Hood River, OR, USA. Slingshot 2020 board and foil. Video edit and drone footage courtesy of @emiltron3000 3.7m Goya Fringe 8-17 knts Slingshot Wizard Slingshot Phantasm Foils

WA, 2100 posts
27 Aug 2020 7:39AM
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Nice - those sail flips are Greg's signature move .
Great to see vids from the Gorge

825 posts
25 Feb 2021 11:34AM
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Greg is pretty damn good but there is one area of wind foiling I can compete with him -- see below -- I can hold my own!

WA, 1635 posts
25 Feb 2021 11:48PM
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You have to take a LOT of video footage to pull out that many of Greg's crashes. Lake Mojave.

594 posts
28 Feb 2021 12:48AM
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I've been following all the videos. Are they planning on production ?. Seems only kite foils are available from my searches. I would like to purchase a complete package if that's a possibility. Like a SS 114 and a phantasm foil package.

2407 posts
28 Feb 2021 1:29AM
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WsurfAustin said..
I've been following all the videos. Are they planning on production ?. Seems only kite foils are available from my searches. I would like to purchase a complete package if that's a possibility. Like a SS 114 and a phantasm foil package.

I heard the windsurf package is coming April, but covid....

those w114 are hard to come by so if you find one, I would probably jump on it


Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

"SOLO SESSION! Slingshot Windfoiling Phantasm and Prototype Spring 2020" started by CYVRWoody