Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Stand Up Paddleboarder Mitigation Strategy.

Created by LateStarter > 9 months ago, 8 Mar 2014
WA, 589 posts
8 Mar 2014 7:14AM
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Yalls 7/3/14.

WA, 589 posts
8 Mar 2014 7:17AM
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WA, 682 posts
8 Mar 2014 12:51PM
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could this lead to a new sport?, a bit like bull riding. The SUP wins if it stays on the wave for 8 seconds, surfer wins if he dismounts the SUP'er in less than eight seconds, could be spectacular! Chuck it in as a novelty event in between heats at an ASP event, imagine Kelly on a SUP against Mick on a 6'3 at Cloudbreak.

lost at sea
WA, 358 posts
8 Mar 2014 1:42PM
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this should be called THE FAT BASTARDS thread or surfings version of the biggest loser HA HA HA HA

172 posts
8 Mar 2014 2:09PM
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More kooks at yalls main on any given day than tarts at a tea party

8266 posts
8 Mar 2014 6:44PM
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LOL I learnt this move about 25 years ago growing up at the point.....thing is though, places like Yalls mainbreak that are so fat & easy to surf are perfect places to share a wave when its that small & everyones on a longboard of some variety. I call people into one of my local waves all the time coz I know they're going to go charging out onto the shoulder & I can surf the pocket in peace... Awesomely funny pics though, cheers

WA, 213 posts
8 Mar 2014 11:14PM
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the Sorrento seal joined the lineup


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Stand Up Paddleboarder Mitigation Strategy." started by LateStarter