totally rapt in the puffer5 .however on the more hard core top to bottom beachies 'im looking for something narrower with a bit more rocker
all these boards feature a bump in the outline about were the side fin is. the board below is the bushranger. reasonably hi level thruster
the lone ranger is a bit softer all round including the 'bump'. in real life you can really see the bump. the al merrick new flyer has the same kind of thing. all three boards have a single to double with a spine in the double
my question is should I go the hardcore or moderate board to match the puffer5
thxs in advance for any half serious answers
Can you Qlders turn down those colours please!!!
Saw one that has filtered down here today ....... Grotesque hi viz has infiltrated surfing ..... Keep it in the construction industry please .
Sorry LL .... Nothing further ............ It just reminded me .....
they are almost the same shape as my single with the chanells. i would like that board shape done as a quad....
lacey,go the lone ranger. think you will regret having the puffer and the allrounder. also that lone ranger board is not the full pro hpsb,more a normal human being hpsb of fun
The Rusty Slayer is a good option its got wide point under chest like those MR's but with a much more pulled in tail,rounded pin,thruster set up,must say the Bushranger looks good.Id get that before the loneranger
The hip or bump as you as you call it is a funny one.
I myself notice it the most when pulling a big cuttie on my forehand. It's like doing a 2 stage turn. When you first start to lean into the turn and bury the rail it feels
Normal, but then when you wash off a bit more speed and make that tight arc in the turn it will for a split second slide or skip into transition from rail to tail. Then when all the weight goes to the tail. It feels normal again. Its just that split second where you can really notice the hip doing its thing.
This is only my own personal experiance / take on it.
First board I had with it felt a bit different but, Once I got used to it I actually liked it.
Don't worry about the width or lack of rocker but as there is enough meat around the chest area to get you onto the wave a little earlier anyway.
Hope this helps??
Also have a look at some of the JS range.
Go hard or go home. Bushranger gets my vote. Can you please get one a touch bigger than normal so I can get it off you in a few months
Lacey its only early on in for 2015 and already your the board purchaseing bitch
Other than that I've got nothing
Quote your opening comment "totally rapt with the puffer" (however)
Hi Lacey, as surfer i'll take to myself the flyer which is the more radical board of the three board shown, she is a classic with the concaves emphasizing hips while coming out from them. I think this Flyer to radical for you whatever its size. Lokie made an extra description of its typical functionality.
So take the lone ranger in a right size for you, moderate board rather than Flyer model but still hips and secure rail as well but more radical than the puffer5 looking like a pop out board and nothing attractive, except logo.
Whatever you choose, have fun laceys
Later on, take one those twins behind
Just as a matter of interest ive know and done a fair amount of work for cooly surf.
Everyone thinks the puffer looks the goods for that type of board. The owner of the chain of shops likes it. They all know me and wanted the feedback. There is lot of wide boards out there that just have crazy ugly designs
Damo the manager has order one for himself now. Ive had a fair board buying work relationship with him for must be getting to ten years now.
I know everyone says this about new boards but call Call him Lacey, he is the nicest bloke and would be happy to chat about boards with you.