Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Where did you surf today?

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 23 Mar 2013
8266 posts
22 May 2015 2:38PM
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Beautiful day apart from being totally unprepared for 2 cookie cutters & 3 freezer burns from the local skin specialist for dodgy skin spots. Then wouldn't prescribe any decent pain meds afterwards, totally ripped off. 1/2 a bottle of sharaz & 2 pints of homebrew appear to be pointing me in the right direction though

QLD, 5544 posts
22 May 2015 6:44PM
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Beautiful day nothing rideable my way

QLD, 3809 posts
22 May 2015 6:55PM
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asea said..
Beautiful day nothing rideable my way

Will we see you in the morning mate?

QLD, 5544 posts
22 May 2015 6:57PM
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vanders1 said..

asea said..
Beautiful day nothing rideable my way

Will we see you in the morning mate?

Big V back to day shift tomorrow hope you get something

13831 posts
22 May 2015 5:11PM
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asea said..

vanders1 said..

asea said..
Beautiful day nothing rideable my way

Will we see you in the morning mate?

Big V back to day shift tomorrow hope you get something

Blow it champion & contribute to the economy by snatching a Doc's Certificate there's a wave needing a knee dropped into it

QLD, 5544 posts
22 May 2015 7:13PM
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Lend me some sickies Pup

QLD, 21947 posts
22 May 2015 7:17PM
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7 low tide hoping that bank is doing its thing

9106 posts
22 May 2015 5:20PM
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SP said..
Same bit of beach on last months storm

Thanks for the Pic's SP

but that is a huge HATE for me,seeing high buildings so close to the water.

not the people that live and buy them

just the companies and councils that let it happen
its punch thread for me…get use to it Pup,,don't think WA has that problem...does it

13831 posts
22 May 2015 5:20PM
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asea said..
Lend me some sickies Pup

Lend me Miss Coolongatta 2015 and you got a Hunji hours ya magnificent Sultan of Stoke bastard

QLD, 3809 posts
22 May 2015 7:24PM
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Macaha said..
7 low tide hoping that bank is doing its thing

9'6 loaded and ready.

QLD, 5544 posts
22 May 2015 7:32PM
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vanders1 said..

Macaha said..
7 low tide hoping that bank is doing its thing

9'6 loaded and ready.

Big V how about the scones etc might be a Latte day

13831 posts
22 May 2015 5:34PM
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Soy or Decaf

1195 posts
22 May 2015 5:35PM
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asea said..

vanders1 said..

Macaha said..
7 low tide hoping that bank is doing its thing

9'6 loaded and ready.

Big V how about the scones etc might be a Latte day

Could be some proper waves too... unless it's all blowing past.

10980 posts
22 May 2015 5:39PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...
SP said...

How's the lack of sand on the beach.

If you ever need a board just let me know.

Thanks SP for kind offer. Was just a very quick visit for a meeting. Nice day to have a look at the place again. Nice to see the walk way on raises platforms linking downtown to Bar Beach is now finished. Looks epic.

Yeah. It's pretty impressive.
only been open a few weeks, haven't walked it yet, bit hard pushing a pram up that slope.

And Cobra, don't start me on Newcastle council... Useless pricks...
But there has always been buildings there, it's right in the centre of town. Once you get away from that beach there isn't many big buildings close to the beach. But I agree not a fan of big buildings on the shoreline.

WA, 9675 posts
22 May 2015 6:01PM
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wed arvo had some really fun ones. those sucky little barrel waves ob a shallow bank..some ya made others you pulled sand out

today little sliders on the big longboard without a leggie...failed miserably and did a bit of swimming. first turn i thought i lost a nut,forgot to relax and ease into the turn. grabbed the fat quad and had a ball

QLD, 3809 posts
23 May 2015 2:13PM
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Surfed LM & Greeny with Chrispy, mac & Lacey, nice offshore with some cracker sets. The boys all ate up the cracker waves, Chrispy a bit worse for ware.......

QLD, 21947 posts
23 May 2015 2:44PM
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Chrispy is still as cute as ever

13831 posts
23 May 2015 12:44PM
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vanders1 said..
Surfed LM & Greeny with Chrispy, mac & Lacey, nice offshore with some cracker sets. The boys all ate up the cracker waves, Chrispy a bit worse for ware.......

oh Jesus what has the little championista done

WA, 9675 posts
23 May 2015 3:09PM
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Macaha said...
Chrispy is still as cute as ever

The nurse said that as well mac
Compressed cheek bone

**** waves and i had no luck,with anything. Just got a text saying it's so much fun right now

QLD, 21947 posts
23 May 2015 5:13PM
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chrispy said..

Macaha said...
Chrispy is still as cute as ever

The nurse said that as well mac
Compressed cheek bone

**** waves and i had no luck,with anything. Just got a text saying it's so much fun right now

Really whats the treatment for that?

13831 posts
23 May 2015 4:44PM
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Beer via a straw farking

WA, 9675 posts
23 May 2015 4:47PM
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Macaha said...
chrispy said..

Macaha said...
Chrispy is still as cute as ever

The nurse said that as well mac
Compressed cheek bone

**** waves and i had no luck,with anything. Just got a text saying it's so much fun right now

Really whats the treatment for that?

Its not that bad where they need to chop me up. If it's does not rest on a nerve when the swelling goes down,I'm all good. Just don't bang it. Oh and the doctor said I will just have a lopsided face....then he asked me about my nose

Cheekbone pup,not jaw thank fark....then again that would solve a few kilojoule problems

QLD, 21947 posts
23 May 2015 7:30PM
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Kirk inside looked like a good sliders wave as I drive past this morning.

VIC, 8020 posts
24 May 2015 2:30PM
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Bells was super super fun on low tide this morning!

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
24 May 2015 10:09PM
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Back home today and spent hours in the water surfing 3ft good fun reefs with not too many. Not epic but probably 7/10. Great to be back out there after 2 weeks without a surf. The next week looks epic.

WA, 9675 posts
24 May 2015 8:16PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..
Back home today and spent hours in the water surfing 3ft good fun reefs with not too many. Not epic but probably 7/10. Great to be back out there after 2 weeks without a surf. The next week looks epic.

WA, 2355 posts
24 May 2015 8:57PM
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3-4 foot reef peak. Four blokes. Glassy. Grey. Hard rose the sets coming. Slow but fun. I need to get back further on my backhand. Forehand is going alright with some nice roundhouse cutties with foam bounce now happening on the longboard. What do you call a longboard reo where the board hits the lip at about 45 and sort of snaps around in a 9'4" sort of way into a vertical drop? A bad reo? A mal-formed reo? I am doing those reasonably regularly on my forehand. Backhand is stiffer than a 16 year old at leavers.

13831 posts
25 May 2015 12:31PM
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Lucked it in & had a smoking sesh today way bigger than I expected ..... can you be totally rooted & stoked at the same time Hughie you're a farking champion I have froth on me whiskers aye

8266 posts
25 May 2015 1:58PM
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^Yes you can Pup, I feel the same way

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
25 May 2015 9:43PM
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2 more fun surfs today. A few long lulls but no complaints. Good to be back in the water


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Where did you surf today?" started by Simondo