I was going to have a break from this forum stuff...but I just had to share this, because its twilight zone stuff I reckon.
I posted this old shot on facebook, of myself and our Doberman puppies Rory and Max...circa 1973/74....two days later the board shows up in a dump truck at Maroubra.....something in the air
WOW that is freaky Ron
hey Ron if you have a break thats your biz,,,,,,but we love your threads mate
Edit... and i love the old photos mate ,,reminds me of great times in my surfing life.
Come on Ron Maroubra boys don't have breaks.
We just keep going.
I'd love to see you post some old Maroubra pics.
As you know we exchanged some emails this time last year with the lead up to the " Golden Age of the Bra" book release/reunion. Shame you couldn't make it as it was a great night. I didn't leave the Juniors til 5am.
Come on mate load up you're best.
Cheers Scotty
That's really strange,. everything happens for a reason I think so it isn't a coincidence, something good going on anyway.
Perhaps it's a sign to get into those sort of shapes more?
That is definitely a reason for fixing up that old board.
Complete re-build I think and then it goes straight onto the pool room wall.