been here this on the j's and decided to google it.
they do not look like what I imagined.
kick ass song I wasn't that fussed on but its a grower
my daughter has seen these guys at the local a couple of times and said they are good . so i googled them and found this .
catchy i thought ...............
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyo ....... I said daaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyoooo ......daylight come & there shizz flat breaks ...... 0 foot ... 1 foot ... oh faaaarrrrrrkkkkkk meeee........ Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease mister tallyman ...... post a tune that give me my waves
Sounds alright Lacey...PUP go South mate, there's been heaps of ya go Chrispy...nice1 ya go Chrispy, not hard to find more good stuff
i think we saw this girl at the same venue around 1977 but not sure i may be confusing her with another American song bird . anyhow this is a great recording !!