Funny you say that ..... Fabio & I are heading over the road to suss out the White Sands & then Botero's .... steak maybe mmmmmm ..... few Ciders for me Obs is going well on the stubs , Fish just left he's having a quiet one ..... we hit it late this arvo bit of onshore on it but we got a couple
Yeah mate we're in A ..... Cider is good stuff champion bit more potency than Beer too ..... mmmmmm yeah Beard hey ..... nah not my caper hahahaha ..... see enough of those Pooofs shambling by the Homey every day ...... we all suspect they are heading to the Hipster Emporium you surf at
You should have seen that 666er on his last wave, he was styling like nobody's business and the he finished off the left with a crouch with his back tucked into the froth for ages
Mater o fact, he crossed the plain old styling boundary and entered into the the land of "I'm just a bloody show off"
Well it walled up proper & farking nice ..... so I smashed it almost got under just that little bit more
shoulda heard Obs on the beach hahaha hooting like a Blind Barnowl shagging a Magpie
We had a nice glass clean sesh early on mate - then with the holiday crew building Obs & I nicked off to try beat some of the Traffic ..... my god there is some serious traffic too , gotta be real hawk-eyed if you're travelling atm , lots of killers on the loose
Cheers Lance you're a bloody champion - see ya in the new year for another installment of froth mate!
And you will receive that opportunity in a month & a bit ..... Greenroom Roadtrip V is taking shape
..... could be a ripsnorter
will be raucus
there will be members of the Longroom on fire
blue/green wallllllllly wet fings will be smashed
glass will klink
Klink Klink you idiot , do you want to go to the Russian Front