Renovations are breaking me. Working 60 hour work weeks plus Saturday and Sunday on the house every week. Haven't been on a board or a bike for 6 weeks. All demolition done, footings to be poured monday, wall framing in the next fortnight, trusses in 3 weeks, roof sheets hopefully before Christmas. Also living with the ladies parents, it has its moments.
Sorry boys, need to let it out.
Renovations are breaking me. Working 60 hour work weeks plus Saturday and Sunday on the house every week. Haven't been on a board or a bike for 6 weeks. All demolition done, footings to be poured monday, wall framing in the next fortnight, trusses in 3 weeks, roof sheets hopefully before Christmas. Also living with the ladies parents, it has its moments.
Sorry boys, need to let it out.
Thats why you hire a builder and live in a rented appartment whilst this is happening.
Doesnt kill you or your relationship, plus the outlaws are out of reach.
i feel for you brother.
Mate you and your wife need to take a break just a short one beit a weekend to enjoy life and recharge.
Its hard mate but look at the big picture,what you are creating and in time you will be proud of your achievements.
^^^ pete53... The Guys a genius I hear....
@ McHenry
I bet you have been mchenrying power tools on eBay.....
Keep up the hard work mate the result will be worth it.
well hope you guys can now get a handle on how tough i am.
training, surfing, dw ing, running and working as a chippie.
geez i'm good
hang foul McH ..... it'll all be worth gold when we get the invite (the Greenroom membership ) to come on down for a Housewarming beer or 4 .... and sample some SA waves with ya buddy
Hey McHenry, remember that great line The Boss sings in Rosalita: "Someday we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny."
You are living the Great Australian Dream. But yes, I've been involved with my share of renos, and I had the in laws living with me for a few months last year when they were doing a build. You wouldn't meet two sweeter old people, but after the 48th morning when there was no water in the kettle and they were sitting sipping their tea smiling at me, I could have happily chopped em up and cemented them in their own foundations.
Good luck.
Mate you and your wife need to take a break just a short one beit a weekend to enjoy life and recharge.
Its hard mate but look at the big picture,what you are creating and in time you will be proud of your achievements.
Mac bali is so good for you,well said
what internet, whats a troll, who's mac.
isn't this a tv show!!!!!
last thing i knew the boxing day cricket was on- i must have fallen asleep again
well hope you guys can now get a handle on how tough i am.
training, surfing, dw ing, running and working as a chippie.
geez i'm good
Could have sworn I saw you on cowboy builders the other day lacey
Turtleman is on the IB tonight ... now he is one funny farker
I like the alligator one better...or Hightech Rednecks
Could have sworn I saw you on cowboy builders the other day lacey
Wasn't him TB,however if there was Thomas the tank engine involved it was in fact him
Thanks for the kind words boys, all is good just had a bad day yesterday and needed to blow off a little steam. But once its all said and done I will have three spare bedrooms for Breezers to come and stay and surf some of SA's most average waves!!! Plus you an see me surf and go over the nose about 25 times in one session, yeewww..
mate i sold it.... had your name on it an all
You are killing me Jas.....
^^^ pete53... The Guys a genius I hear....
@ McHenry
I bet you have been mchenrying power tools on eBay.....
Keep up the hard work mate the result will be worth it.
Nah SP, I work for a building company so no mchenrying power tools, with the cost of this reno looks like I wount be mchenrying anything for the next 30 years, thats why I was doing it before the reno!!
Was doing renos for years, working from pay to pay. Got jack of it and simply stopped.
House is paid off now and I can go out and buy the materials without worrying about what else misses out.
F@ck it feels good!
Nah the slab is behind and to the left. We will be pouring the slab for the shed (6x4m) in two weeks once we put in the new fence. Chippy will be on site Monday to start the wall framing.
There is just something "cool , welcoming & reassuring special" about these old Federation style joints ..... she will look sensational I think Macca !!!! .... cheers for the post up mate
Nice work there McHenry - keep the pics coming....glad to see its all going according to plan. I hope you a TV rigged up for the cricket...I know you Canadians secretly love the game
Its been a long time but here is a bit of an update on the old house renos. Its hard to get good shots of rooms from your mobile phone but you'll get the jist of it.