Okay boys, i know there is a few regular travelers here and as i am getting close to my holiday i need all the advice you can give me.
Not just the important stuff like where should i hire boards?
But also What should i do, What should i avoid etc etc...
Going with the missus and a 1 1/2 year old so any day trips / touristy things to do are good as well.
Staying in Waikiki.
Enjoy SP! Some great advice that you have often given others though
Seriously SP I have thought long and hard about this trip you are undertaking for a very long time. Mac, TB, Locky and Tux are recent returners from my re-collection - lets hope they chip in shortly.
In no particular order here are a few must things that I will be doing - from someone who has yet to go there but will be soonish I hope
1. Wait for a smallish (by their standards) day with light winds at this time of the year and go north and surf Pipe. Even if its just for the paddle out experience. Even if it takes 5 hours to get a wave. You have to take one no matter what. As a surfer you owe it yourself. Imagine the tall tales when you return. Maybe high a local fella to shoot you. If you get a couple then take on Backdoor - head straight to the beach afterwards - don't paddle back out through the guts - save your energy and do the paddle round from Pipe.
2. Find out where JOB is hanging - especially if there is some swell and go watch him and his mates do stupid **** in waves that look too big to me to be playing silly buggers with.
www.instagram.com/whoisjob/ for inspiration
3. USS Arizona - 1,300 free tickets given out to first 1,300 - so go early. Not a war person myself but this was a significant world event so worth spending some time checking it out whilst you are there.
4. Feeling rich - jump a plane / helicopter over to see the lava hitting the water on the big island. Or head up for sunset to see Kilauea and all the cool lava - its the most active volcano on the island - no live volcanoes in Oz - so good opportunity to see one in action. Might be tricky with the youngster in tow
5. Walk up Diamond Head for the view
6. Get dropped in on / drop in other surf craft / ride some weird craft that you would not normally get the chance to do
7. Surf Ala Moana Bowl if you get the chance - that place looks / sounds amazing
8. Eat at one of those amazing food joints on the beach front that everyone raves about - massive tasty burgers
9. Do some high quality viewing - try not to get busted
10. Give the baby some junior sleeping pills equivalent and pretend you are on the honey moon for a few nights
11. Go for a roadie around the Kam Highway. Check out the big time breaks - Machaha, have a bodysurf in the Waimea shore break. Buy an Eddie would go T-shirt (if so get me one too - mine is 6 years old and needs replacing - XL please - Any dark colour cool with me ). Call in at the infamous Foodland supermarket and try spot a pro or two. See what all the fuss is about.
12. Buy a good quality gun (probably second hand as end of winter now) - mine will be a smaller version of Tux's as I do not have the balls to ever ride it in the conditions it was made for.
Anyway thats a few to get you going. I am massively jealous - enjoy yourself !
First visit SP
I'm just getting my head around after my return.give me a day or so and I'll hit you with the must do/see.
The hike up Diamond head is great.
Pearl harbour tour is a must.
Waimea falls is a nice easy hike.
Snorkelling with Oneocean adventures is a must, not so for the youngster though
All the food options on the North shore, and some serous time wandering around Haleiwa a must..
I really enjoyed the laid back atmosphere of the North shore more. Waikiki was rather busy. Its cheaper to hire a board one street back and stick it in a locker (depending on were your staying) than to hire one each time you want to surf.
I do wish id had a surf in one of the outrigger boats at Waikiki, not a big thing, but it looked like a hoot.
the jealousy thread, its killing me.
gets me motivated when i read about these trips...or daydreaming
Agree the Pearl Harbour tour is a must.
Grab a feed at Giovanni's shrimp bus.
Hire a Dodge Cougar and drive around the island.
The car parks at all the north shore beach's are tiny, get in early.
Waikiki just to check out the punters. see below.
looking left
SP you lucky SOB , for two years I surf with the same guys early morning great people , paddle out in the dark never been a shark attack in Waikiki . Last time I stayed at Royal Grove Hotel just off Koa Ave , a basic Hotel family owned not every bodies cup of tea but $150 a night cheaper than most other places . Music night on a Monday night the vibe is Island style where else could you see the UPS lady dancing in the lobby while delivering parcels (priceless ). Board storage just round the corner at Big Wave Daves and 10 minutes walk to where I surf or one minute to the Duke statue . The best thing of all I can say is your safe 430am walking down the street no prob , if there is trouble with any one there's six cops sorting it out they on them like a ton of bricks . Love the place
Places to eat and drink in Waikiki
Shorebird Beach Broiler. – Awesome place
Rock Island Café. – Awesome place
PF Changs: – Awesome place
The Cheesecake Factory: – Awesome place
California Pizza Kitchen
Wakiki Brewhouse and Cheese burger place
Steak Shack next to Shorebird
Kai Coffee – best coffee
Hire and 11 footer and go nuts in waikiki...avoid kaisers and Ala Moana bowls unless you want to see/be involved in a bunch of fights...there are heaps of waves with no one or not many people on them
If you going to the North Shore to surf make sure your prepared i.e you need to be able to swim 1km in rough water...if you can't do that stick to Pipe, Gums and Left overs or any where else that breaks very close to the beach sure it may be a bit more hazardous but you will thank you lucky stars when its swimming time..the volume of water moving around is like nothing I've ever seen before...98% of people are absolutly ripping...there are plenty of big boards to buy in the $400 bracket...a new ghost shaped brewer up to 7'8 will cost around $800...hand shaped and longboards are double that
A friend spent a couple of weeks in January. She surfed a Waikiki reef that was running into some place which is designated for Boogie Boards. Fair paddle out, kinda shallow apparently & she had a lot of waves/fun...also said she caught the public bus all the way around the island. Cheap & a lot of fun. Personally I'd hire a car, they're not expensive from my research last year when we almost went. I'd just drive around & check it all out. You probably know this, but surf wise. Our winter the winds are favourable for the Waikiki side & our summer (their winter) is when the North Shore fires. You could go in our winter & places like Waiamea & Pipe could easily be flat. If you hire a car there are heaps of better waves round to the SE (anti clockwise) from Waikiki. I'd be driving that way if your going over our winter. Lot less people apparently & some really fun waves from what I've seen. Clockwise from Waikiki up to the Macaha area has a lot more Hawaiian Localism & your car may not be safe. I could be wrong, but just a mash up of what I have heard & read. I havn't been yet, probably go next year & will be asking you for advice
North Shore carparks are dodge I've seen a lot of broken glass a guys way too old cruising them on BMX bikes,also a lot of the local cars don't have windows some have plastic windows The problem with the North Shore is its become a massive must see and the Asians are heading up there by the bus lot to to take photos it has really changed since our first trip in 07 to 15.
Agree on The Yard House for food and beer also The Cheese Cake Factory.
Hire a car hit the NS but do not forget the other side of Diamond Head,seriously if you were ever going to live there this is where you would want to live,amazing Hawaiian homes so peaceful and relaxing,must go is Sandy Beach and do Buzz Cafe for lunch the best crab sandwich ever really old same place I'd say its famous.
Do a chopper flight with Blue Hawaiian flies all over the Island and into waterfalls its amazing.Look out for the hookers who base themselves on the corner near the ABC store across the road from Moana Surf Riders Hotel its a laugh. Dukes Bar a must afternoon session. Pearl Harbour as mentioned a must I'm not into this sort of stuff but walked away and was blown away of what happened and the oil which you can stand over a ship is still leaking and you can see it,I hired the movie on my return.
The surf shops up the North Shore are all outstanding,you know your on the NS when you look at the racks,go the Surf Garage a 10 min taxi ride from town its in the suburbs but well worth it.
Need sports shoes you'll be in heaven.Go to Local Motion the best range ever.
Surfing the SS Canoes.Publics and the boat harbour,hire a board from Kona Board Sports one block back much cheaper to hire a weekly retail than daily also you can change your board when ever you like.
Thanks for the great reply boys.
Been a bit busy so haven't got to read it all and google the suggestions but cheers for the input.
Thanks again boys, a few weeks till i go and finally had a chance to look through this and google a few place over the weekend, you have excelled..
Our hotel is just around the corner from Big Wave Daves and right near the coffee joint so that is the main things taken care of.
Cheers lads..
SP Hawaiian Airline had a weekend special 775 return must travel between may to august I nearly pulled to trigger.
I agree with all....
We've been to Waikiki 3 times in the past 18 months, and off there again this September.
Koa Board Sports is the place to hire. Great selection, great help. best part is that you can keep swapping/trying boards.
We've always stayed at the Queen Kapiolani, next to the zoo and Diamond Head.
Our fave place to eat would probably Duke's. I know there's better establishments around, but we like the vibe there, sitting on the deck, overlooking the beach shower....