^ Oh man I hate flying...I had a Swiss Airlines flight from Bangkok to Zurick & had a seat at the end of a section. Like a toilet behind & I'm on the isle. The seat only reclined like 50% of normal & a fat Chinese guy in front wanted to sleep fully reclined the whole way apart from meals when the flight took off just before mid day. I felt so confined & the fargin LCD screen had this sh1t viewing angle I had to jam a water bottle in behind it to get it to just watchable if I slumped down. Can't believe their planes have this sh1t design...got pretty drunk on that plane...thank god I accidently bought Barbarian Days MP3 disc (not book) & had it on my phone. Would of sucked otherwise....ummm so not so good plane design award
I'll tell ya another profiteering racket..
charging $200 for a pair of Boardies that were made in a Chinese sweat shop
But 2 board maximum is a joke.
Ted I've had the best service from HI airlines and rave about the service and the islands start once your on board.
I got asked to pass on special thanks from all the Hookers in Tugun .... they say Fankyou mistah ahhhhh seeee haaaa
you very spesharl men
Off to work super early to do some renos and I had the lyrics wrong I think.
Clowns to the left of me Jokers to to the right here I am again stuck in the middle with you ? is that right?
Stop taking pity on us SP - you know that we are not an Olympic hot house of performance athletes but I am grateful for your kind words. For us fellas its all about the participation and if we do well thats cool - if not no harm done as long as everyone had a good time and Tinder was good to them in the Village and they were not treated like Danish gymnasts. Its not too much to ask for