strange thing about that pic, since the late 50s, cars have changed radically, in almost every respect, but the supermarkets have hardly changed at all !!
Yeah cool custom "Humpy" Pup, I like that chromies "n" all
Looks like you're getting out and about up there mate,good on ya
Al G I love how peeps like you and Pup can rattle off all that info
Here is Pup as a grom. Engine grease on his weeties, milk is for bitches
I grew up near westmead speedway, my favs were the little midgets, don't know what sort of motors they had in them, probably out of a bike, but the racing was always so close, no one ever got too far in front.
the highlight was at the end of the day when all the kids were allowed to run onto the track to pick up the throw away goggles, in those days they didn't use taped on tear always, these were like real goggles with cheap elastic straps on them. they were pretty useless as eye protection, but we would still wear them when we were in our billy carts and pretend we were racing speedway down the Lockwood rd hill.
We would go pretty well, until the reality of having no brakes at the bottom would set in, hell I lost some bark on the corner at the bottom of that hill, and then fat old Mr Johnson who dob us in to mum.
Merrylands, my mum is 90 and still lives there in a village with people she used to go to kindergarten with, hers will probably be the last generation where that will ever happen, unless you went to kindy in Beirut..
It wasn't those type of speedway cars, the ones I recall were even smaller than that, almost like go-karts, I think they may have called them micro midgets.
I remember the tin top hot rods, they were mean nasty looking things, and they had bars all around the wheels, just like dodgem cars, but even back then I used to think they were too big for the track and there was never enough overtaking.
Back then there were some people who just dominated and it would get a bit boring, like in the solo bikes, Jim Airey was just impossible to beat, at the sydney showground they would start him half a lap behind in a 3 or 4 lap race and he would be in front after 2 laps.
That must have been around February 1966 because I vaguely recall being at the Showground when decimal currency first came in and I also think that may have been the year we saw a side car passenger get killed right in front of us.
Sorry to go so far off topic, but 1966 was an important year for me because it's the year that I spent 2 weeks surfing while on holiday up in woopi during the dying days of the classic longboard era, then I never surfed again for many decades.
The love of longboards never left me, but the love of cars did when I realized how much time I wasted on them, and the love of bikes left me after the first couple of people I knew closely were killed by them.