Geez Mick Cronin , Eric Grothe snr , Peter Sterling etc ..... memories there scotty mate
Pup fine you're self WTF ^^^^^ has to do with the topic
pffffffffftttttt get a big fat Mango up you Prez yeeeeeehaaaaa
and awesome photography too - big kudos to little Mac
I really love that last shot Mac - it's amazing.
question lads. that last shot. do you consider that getting barrelled or deep in the pocket
if the photo was taken from the rock you would be hooting your arse off same question was asked about tubes at the pipeline two years ago. show the angles the judges saw,tubed off their head. showed the footage from the photogs in the water it was debateable
I answered it four hours ago
No you didnt. You just made excuses
I would agree ted
A few from the weekend.
Anyone in NSW want some surf photos of themselves?
The offer is there...
If you like what I post, like my Facebook page.
I surfed this place a lot up until about this time (1993). There's not really anything amazing about this shot other than I think its the oldest shot I have of myself surfing, even though I'd been surfing for 14 years.....& that It was taken by my little sister with a camera she borrowed from her Ocean Reef highschool camera class. An old Canon camera that she had to set focus & exposure. She took the negatives to school & bathed some photo paper in photo chems to create two photo's. One she stuck on her wall & one she gave to me. I found the one she gave me the other day when I unpacked some stuff
glad to see you are finally unpacking Mick but why were you not pulling in - it looks like it's about to throw
great shot.
Some sick shots on here, haven't been on for a while.
Surfingboye, do you have an insta page we can follow?
Here's one my brother got of me yesterday
glad to see you are finally unpacking Mick but why were you not pulling in - it looks like it's about to throw
great shot.
haha yeah I didn't take the pic, otherwise there'd be a pic of me turning off the top or something. That wave wouldn't have barrelled there though. Its a funny kind of a place with outside reefs angling swells onto a double triangled table reef (like 2 triangles beside each other with multiple take off spots). That wave would have been a big bowly white water without a barrel for a while that you'd do a couple of off the tops, cut back & then hit an inside section which did offer the occasional racy barrel before breaking on the beach. This was actually the last time I surfed this spot, but we used to surf this place 4 or 5 times a week. Loading up with 5 or 6 of us & chipping in like $2 each for fuel. Good old days
Found the thread nozza haha
Here's some of me in the last 6 weeks
Hope everyone has been scoring waves and you've all avoided Alzheimer's in your old age.
Nice pics Ted,so you lived at Norah Head,geez I surfed there about 33 years ago,we used to sleep in the cars overnight at the park on the hill at little bombie,haha,probably cant get that close in a car anymore?nice little place but I can imagine it's changed quiet a bit by now.When I was down the Central Coast last year I didn't get much time to venture that way,I would have liked to see what it's like now.
btw,hope the foots heeling up ok mate!