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What fins for small weak surf with a small SUP with high tail rocker to get maximum speed

Created by mathomm > 9 months ago, 24 Oct 2019
NSW, 10 posts
24 Oct 2019 5:11PM
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Hi I just get a new custom made JDP SUP 7'6 X 27 x 86L with heaps of tail rocker replacing my 7'10 ECS wapon 87L with little rocker which I snapped. I have found the new SUP good in more powerful waves as the high tail rocker allows the board to get more vertical and easier to make floaters and tight snaps. However on small weak waves which I mainly ride it in (I ride a surfboard in powerful conditions), I can't get enough speed, or seem to lose speed quickly in the dead sections since its so light only around 5.5kg with lots of rocker. Was thinking I should change fins to more of a twin fin setup (large sides small trailer) for more speed and drive. Its only has thruster plugs. Any fin recommendations for more speed in weak small waves?

QLD, 891 posts
24 Oct 2019 5:04PM
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C Drive Fins

QLD, 2776 posts
24 Oct 2019 6:31PM
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if it's a custom maybe speak to the shaper first. s/he will know the board dimensions and characteristics inside out, and will have played with different configurations for different circumstances for a variety of orders

5173 posts
24 Oct 2019 5:19PM
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I see some solutions:
- twin fins with a trailer. The MR has very good grip at low speed, the AM has a better profile at more speed.
- keels, quite efficient in very small waves, especially with symmetrical profiles, with a trailer maybe. Can be cumbersome if waves hollow.
- C-Drive, excellent grip at low speed while staying nimble in the power, so they work even if the conditions change during the session (tides)
- Quobba, definitively the fastest solution, but in weak waves you will need to use also the rail if you want to push hard on them at low speed, they have less holding power at low speed than the above. However, if you can pump them into speed on weak waves, they are incredible, especially with a light board which then seem to motor
- (not tested) if you have future boxes, fins that give you no toe-in they are reported to be great for weak waves

But these will be marginal gains compared to a dedicated short and wide board with a fast rocker...

NSW, 913 posts
25 Oct 2019 9:56AM
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Before you start buying fins I would try the fins you have got. Try just using the 2 sides only. Then the centre trailing only. Then use the largest possible trailing fin that resemble a centre box fin about 5 to 7 inch if possible. Single fins are the fastest due to less drag but don't expect to do hard snappy turns. With practice you might. But a well set up thruster or quad could keep up with the speed of a single if worked / pumped & will give you good control & hold. All depends how you surf or what you want to do in weak surf.

5173 posts
25 Oct 2019 1:35PM
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Seajuice said..
Try just using the 2 sides only. Then the centre trailing only. Then use the largest possible trailing fin that resemble a centre box fin about 5 to 7 inch if possible.

It wont work, I've tried.

You will get faster speed in a straight line, but the board will loose so much drive that pumping will become inefficient.

A 7'6" 5.5kg board is a pumping machine, good fins you can leverage on to push on your pumps is what will give you the speed, taking advantage of the light weight. And going straight is not an option, a light board will be stopped by any chop.

NSW, 913 posts
25 Oct 2019 9:02PM
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colas said..

Seajuice said..
Try just using the 2 sides only. Then the centre trailing only. Then use the largest possible trailing fin that resemble a centre box fin about 5 to 7 inch if possible.

It wont work, I've tried.

You will get faster speed in a straight line, but the board will loose so much drive that pumping will become inefficient.

A 7'6" 5.5kg board is a pumping machine, good fins you can leverage on to push on your pumps is what will give you the speed, taking advantage of the light weight. And going straight is not an option, a light board will be stopped by any chop.

I understand that Colas. And you are right. But I used one of my boards a 7ft x 31 x 115 litres Coreban as a single & it went OK due to it speeding up quicker to take the steep front rocker higher to stop pushing water. Then it was all feet positioning & rail carving to try & get the best out of it. But it taught me a lot about the board & how it handles. Obviously a pumping radical style surfer would probably hate it. But a slower carver surfer like me may like it.
I have a 6ft 6inch 44 litre Sunova Soul short board that I absolutely love as a single to make it easily over dead sections & great carving in small & large waves.
I am just recommending for anyone to experiment & try a single fin to get the feel of a board to find what it needs. More drive, more hold etc. Then make changes as you go.

39 posts
25 Oct 2019 6:52PM
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If you have Futures style boxes, you can try Riptide Fins. They take the "toe in" out of the boxes making the fins straight as JP does with all their boards. This makes for instant speed in those weaker waves. If you go this route try using a slightly smaller center fin. This has worked really well in my smaller, low volume boards.

1566 posts
26 Oct 2019 4:54AM
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It seems that your new SUP with hips of tail lift and concave would not be affected by any kind of fins swap.

Discard your surfboard and use this JDP SUP 7'6 X 27 x 86L in powerful waves then get out the money to buy an all-around SUP for the weak days.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"What fins for small weak surf with a small SUP with high tail rocker to get maximum speed" started by mathomm