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SUP on roofs

Created by Tonz > 9 months ago, 9 Nov 2018
515 posts
9 Nov 2018 10:45AM
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so how do you secure your board on roof of ya van/wagon?
What type of roof mounting bars and straps...

VIC, 11 posts
9 Nov 2018 1:58PM
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Big fan of Lockrack, no straps required and secure

2680 posts
9 Nov 2018 11:52AM
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Tonz said..
so how do you secure your board on roof of ya van/wagon?
What type of roof mounting bars and straps...

I like oval shaped rack bars.... minimal wind noise.

I only use the "One Rope System"
one rope, with a simple loop at one end

Fast, safe and cheap
no strap noise

Safe to load in high wind:
never have to take a hand off the board, till it is secured by the rope!

Pics are easier than explanation.

10's of thousands of miles, no issues.
I double up the front rope on long, high speed road trips.

also.... not the cool surfer way.....
I put fin back and up
nose forward

Wind pushes down on the nose, so no strain on ropes or rack at high speed
Less chance of killing someone with a board flying forward off the car if in an accident, because the rope may stop the fin.

515 posts
9 Nov 2018 12:05PM
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reda7777...I like the idea bu, yikes wind resistance on those arms would be something I think.

supthecreek... simple I like that, presume its nylon rope ...slight stretch?

NSW, 329 posts
9 Nov 2018 3:42PM
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sup creek - i did something similer but then noticed the racks strated sliding towards each other along rails

76 posts
9 Nov 2018 2:40PM
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Carry your board to the beach??

VIC, 1469 posts
9 Nov 2018 6:43PM
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Lockrack got my vote and select the model that suit your board's if your carrying one or two boards at a time.

NSW, 1263 posts
9 Nov 2018 9:27PM
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normster said..
sup creek - i did something similer but then noticed the racks strated sliding towards each other along rails

I used a similar technique with tie downs and obviously applied to much tension. A gust of wind hit and the boards and rack flew through the air and the boards broke in two. Id use a tie down for each rack if youre travelling any distance and any speed.

WA, 1262 posts
9 Nov 2018 7:26PM
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STC you need to put all your how-to's in a book!

2680 posts
9 Nov 2018 9:25PM
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normster said..
sup creek - i did something similer but then noticed the racks strated sliding towards each other along rails

I hear ya Norm.... I put my racks on my daughters new car, with a wax job and I had the same thing happen because the pads on the roof didn't have the same grip on wax.

You have to have solid racks to use this method.

I buy good quality braided rope.
I like braided nylon because it's strong and soft, so easily shapes to board and rack.... easy to pull tight.
Plus it comes in colors

309 posts
10 Nov 2018 4:02AM
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I bought a second hand set of bars from thule off ebay. JUst check often and you should find some. THen i use ocean and earth tie downs sup, 2 years going strong. Your local shop will have them.
IF you live more than 20 minutes from beach get the lock rack. The thule barsvdo make freeway whistle.

52 posts
10 Nov 2018 4:17AM
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reda7777 said..
Big fan of Lockrack, no straps required and secure

Wow they look cool and I see it was developed by a South African. How do they work at highyway speeds? Can you keep the board in a bag and clamp it down?

VIC, 1697 posts
10 Nov 2018 8:01AM
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WCC said..

reda7777 said..
Big fan of Lockrack, no straps required and secure

Wow they look cool and I see it was developed by a South African. How do they work at highyway speeds? Can you keep the board in a bag and clamp it down?

Lockrack are great period, no more sore hands when it's cold, no excess time waisted tieing down, no chance of overtightening and just so convenient. Had mine a few years no problems, oh yeah no problem at speed on the highway with next to no noise but this may depend on racks and vehicle. I have the whispbar on an Impreza

52 posts
10 Nov 2018 5:36AM
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micksmith said..

WCC said..

reda7777 said..
Big fan of Lockrack, no straps required and secure

Wow they look cool and I see it was developed by a South African. How do they work at highyway speeds? Can you keep the board in a bag and clamp it down?

Lockrack are great period, no more sore hands when it's cold, no excess time waisted tieing down, no chance of overtightening and just so convenient. Had mine a few years no problems, oh yeah no problem at speed on the highway with next to no noise but this may depend on racks and vehicle. I have the whispbar on an Impreza

Great thanks.

NSW, 1314 posts
10 Nov 2018 1:43PM
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After 3 years plus of SUP I finally put a down payment on racks today ....and then I see this post . Hopefully I made a decent choice . Lockable Rhino Rack with Aero Bar . Up to now I have always put boards in vehicle . Problem was for holidays I had to use inflatable which was ok but obviously not ideal in surf . Also can now take family to watch the kook in action .
I am nervous about a 2 hour drive with board on racks so I think I will be conservative and use two or more tie downs . I think Insurance is a grey area and you may not be covered in your board flies off and damages another car or causes injury . So best to be conservative on this one in my opinion

NSW, 911 posts
10 Nov 2018 1:56PM
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Hobie straps. Had a couple of spares for my Hobie kayak. Strong straps.

309 posts
10 Nov 2018 4:19PM
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Gboots if its one board, one set of tie downs will be fine,

TAS, 1108 posts
10 Nov 2018 8:14PM
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A set of these are handy if you have to leave boards unattended on the car in a dodgy neighbourhood.

NSW, 1314 posts
12 Nov 2018 9:13AM
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Are there heat risks whilst on a long drive with board on racks (e.g during summer ) or does the board stay at a reasonable temperature ?

NSW, 164 posts
12 Nov 2018 12:50PM
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Docks Locks

WA, 7483 posts
12 Nov 2018 10:20AM
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Gboots said..
Are there heat risks whilst on a long drive with board on racks (e.g during summer ) or does the board stay at a reasonable temperature ?

If you are moving at a reasonable pace no probs. Stuck in traffic on a 35C day not good. Reflective boardbag that is vented with zip undone a bit helps. Driven 1000s of ks with boards on roof in the heat with no issues. Light colour sups helps.

TAS, 1108 posts
12 Nov 2018 7:25PM
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hilly said..

Gboots said..
Are there heat risks whilst on a long drive with board on racks (e.g during summer ) or does the board stay at a reasonable temperature ?

If you are moving at a reasonable pace no probs. Stuck in traffic on a 35C day not good. Reflective boardbag that is vented with zip undone a bit helps. Driven 1000s of ks with boards on roof in the heat with no issues. Light colour sups helps.

I've seen top brand white SUPs delaminate even here in Tassie when left in the hot sun, a board sock seems to work pretty well to protect from the Suns rays.

VIC, 2869 posts
12 Nov 2018 7:28PM
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There are real risks in overthinking putting the board on the car......

WA, 7483 posts
12 Nov 2018 7:37PM
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Nozza said..
There are real risks in overthinking putting the board on the car......

I am with you there

NSW, 1314 posts
13 Nov 2018 11:21AM
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Maybe .... but I'd rather be responsible. Too late after the fact.

515 posts
13 Nov 2018 10:35AM
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are you guys really serious? are you saying its not wise to leave SUP board tied down on ya vehicles roof.

NSW, 390 posts
13 Nov 2018 7:14PM
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I have 2 SUP's and 2 wave boards plus a box on my roof. I use Kanulock straps to tie it all down. I travel up to 600kms up and down the coast for comps and have no trouble.

WA, 7483 posts
14 Nov 2018 7:27AM
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Tonz said..
are you guys really serious? are you saying its not wise to leave SUP board tied down on ya vehicles roof.

Yes, in hot weather when not moving the board will delaminate. Especially if there are dark colours on the bottom of the board eg black logo. Just to test it stick your board in the sun for 10 minutes and put your hand on the black logo.

NSW, 1314 posts
17 Nov 2018 5:47PM
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riverider said..
A set of these are handy if you have to leave boards unattended on the car in a dodgy neighbourhood.

For those using Kanu Locks what size do use for SUPs 3.3 or 5.4 m ?

VIC, 2869 posts
17 Nov 2018 5:58PM
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If the 5.4m ones are blue, not them - ridiculously long.
I've got orange covered ones, whatever they are

NSW, 1314 posts
17 Nov 2018 6:26PM
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Thanks Nozza

orange ones 3.3
blue ones 5.4.....must be for kayak or multi layers of SUPs


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"SUP on roofs" started by Tonz