Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Need help to get a 7-2 back from Hawaii

Created by Piros > 9 months ago, 19 Dec 2017
QLD, 7076 posts
19 Dec 2017 4:45PM
Thumbs Up

Just putting this out there to see if any Breezers are going to Hawaii for holidays and coming back mid to late Jan or early Feb 2018. I've ordered a custom foil board off Dave Kalama 7-2 x 27 so pretty small & light board (no foil ) and I need to get it back. I was flying with the family to pick up but my work is too busy for me to get away. It's on Maui but can get it to Waikiki if that helps. I'll pay any extra luggage plus $200 for your troubles. Great opportunity to catch up with Dave if you can get to Maui.

Just get it back to any state in Aus and I'll freight it from there back to the Gold Coast Qld. Direct freighting from Hawaii is too hard and costly but if anyone has some better freight options I'm all ears or eyes but would prefer someone to carry it. I'll supply a board bag & sock for easy packing.

Cheers Piros


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Need help to get a 7-2 back from Hawaii" started by Piros