FIRST 4 PICS -- Me at Paena Pt (Haleiwa)
2ND 3 PICS -- Pipe masters on the day they called it off ( commentators calling 30 foot faces)
3RD 3 PICS -- Home break
Organised two Laird demo boards before I arrived -- they went great at Paena and Waikiki.
Waited 50 years to get there and was an incredible holiday - worth the wait!
Good on ya Steve! I finally made it over last year, and loved it so much am headed back again in March
Good on you,on my list as well, enjoy the heck out of it.How long were the Lairds? and how did they go.
The 3rd piccie is epic steve!!!!
I bet you were frothed out of your head surfing that, while back here has been total crap!!!!
The boards were -- the 10'6" surfer and the 9'6" hybrid Laird , had them for 6 days and they both went well!
Picked the 10'6" for the north shore as I thought I might need the extra paddling speed to escape sets - got flogged anyway, lucky the reef was deep enough to wash over and around to calmer water, then paddle around the break in relatively calm water to reposition in the semi scattered lineup.
9'6" went well at Waikiki as did the 10'6" which is much easier to get onto the fatter waves at "canoes" while "queens and "paradise?" were great for the 9'6".
Did not want to take my 9'1" as it meant huge cost as the Jetstar airline has a 2.77 mtre limit. Two new boards for 6 days - felt guilty when I SAW THE RENTAL PRICES on the beach, so paid the rep some money at the end.
Helicopter flights, snorkelling, bus and car trips, surf, entertainment, food, grog ---- everything my partner Carol and I could have possibly asked for, upgraded the room on arrival ($25 per night) and got beachfront on the 36th floor - wake up and check the 3 main surf breaks without leaving your room, decisions - early surf and back for brekkie? or any number of great options.
Got this holiday out of the specials in the Sunday paper -- 6 nights/7 days -- total spent for everything -- just under 3 grand each!
yea how did you get that pic???
Hawaii is the best place I have ever been and can't wait to go back again.
Hired Hawiian waterman named Buzzy KERBOX who videod me, would post it but don't know how - these are the best stills off it
Steve ps -- have the vid on a computer stick
Yes , Buzzy took off behind me on the wave - he was riding a 8'7" jimmy lewis with a hand held go pro -- had a helmet one for filming clients but got cleaned up a few days prior and lost it! I caught 3 good waves and a couple of wipeouts - because I WAS ON THE 10'6" and HE WAS ON THE 8'7" -- He only caught the one wave with me. He was telling me he does 300 pushups a day and he looks really fit and healthy - he is 58 y old. Inspired me - new year resolution coming on - some stretching and maybe smaller meals - not sure about the alcohol intake though