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Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

just a couple of pic ,12 search ,love being the new owner

Created by Tardy > 9 months ago, 20 Sep 2021
5106 posts
20 Sep 2021 3:56PM
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After following the biggest thread ,12 Nozza ,the search ,I always promised myself I would get one ,it says on the sunova site a fun board ,and so far this weekend it has been fun.It will pick up little waves very easy ,and just great to paddle around on with a nice glide ,I managed to get a balsa one from sunshine coast boardsports Caloundra ,thanks Paul, its a great board to add to the quiver .30 wide 179,litres and 12 feet long .

5106 posts
20 Sep 2021 3:59PM
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NSW, 1314 posts
20 Sep 2021 6:04PM
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Looks sweet Tardy

5106 posts
20 Sep 2021 4:05PM
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cheers boots ..its like a big acid .. but i wouldn't like to take on too big a wave ...

VIC, 797 posts
20 Sep 2021 10:25PM
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Nice mate! Enjoy!

mmmm... thinking about a point break myself....

5106 posts
21 Sep 2021 4:02AM
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i looked at both ,point break is meant to surf better ,but is 32 vs 30 wide and 200 litre vs 179 ,so a bit bigger ...i wasn't planning on surfing mine much so went for the smaller of the 2 and slightly flatter rocker on this one .so i was thinking this one would paddle faster .and is still a big board for fun .worth a add to the quiver .

NSW, 1314 posts
21 Sep 2021 9:19AM
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I have a Venom 12 footer which is around 175L (from memory) and 28 wide . Can't imagine going wider . These boards are great in onshore mush (non beach break ). Almost like mini down winding . Also great on river inlet surf . Bloody awesome in small point breaks

5106 posts
21 Sep 2021 7:45AM
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Gboots said..
I have a Venom 12 footer which is around 175L (from memory) and 28 wide . Can't imagine going wider . These boards are great in onshore mush (non beach break ). Almost like mini down winding . Also great on river inlet surf . Bloody awesome in small point breaks

awesome boots, remember I'm on the heavy side ..i couldn't imagine going any narrower than 30 its nicely proportioned ,

QLD, 600 posts
21 Sep 2021 10:53AM
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Paul is my local dealer. He is a great bloke to deal with

NT, 891 posts
22 Sep 2021 7:39PM
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Wow Tardy!
What an amazing looking board brus!I had my 14' Search out in knee high cruisers last weekend, and was saying to FinsUp (who was also out at the time), I don't know why more crew don't get into the Search.
Such incredible boards, super fast, catch absolutely anything and can turn any session into a a memorable sesh.They're total fun-machines. You've got yourself a ripper there man. yoooowwww!!!

5106 posts
22 Sep 2021 7:44PM
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MangoDingo said..
Wow Tardy!
What an amazing looking board brus!I had my 14' Search out in knee high cruisers last weekend, and was saying to FinsUp (who was also out at the time), I don't know why more crew don't get into the Search.
Such incredible boards, super fast, catch absolutely anything and can turn any session into a a memorable sesh.They're total fun-machines. You've got yourself a ripper there man. yoooowwww!!!

cheers mango ,i feel the quiver is in good shape now ,I Reckon your 14 would catch Everything in sight ,because they are a good size ,i feel safe in deep water , going to try it tomorrow in knee high waves ,reckon it will be fun ,i will try make a little vid ..over the weekend
I will see if i can do a lip bash ..don't think so better wear my helmet .

2681 posts
22 Sep 2021 8:20PM
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Nice add Tardy... you will have fun with that!
as a heads up... the Search won't turn until you get back on the stomper, because it requires more of a pivot turn, than rail turn.
but then, I have only surfed the 14' Search, never the 12'er.
I look forward to some Tardy Vids on this... yewwwwwwww!

Gboots said:
"I have a Venom 12 footer which is around 175L (from memory) and 28 wide . Can't imagine going wider"

The reason the 12' Pointbreak turns so easily is exactly because of the 32" width.
It gives the board curvy hips, which loosen the tail up for some pretty snappy turns for a 12'er.

VIC, 2131 posts
25 Sep 2021 7:49AM
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I am with STC on this one. I have the Search and the Point Break and unless I just want to go for a paddle, I will take the Point Break every time. (In fact, since buying the Point Break the Search has not been wet...)

The Point Break may be wide, but as STC says, at 12' you need width to get the surf board shape. You have to run back and jump on the tail of the Search to get it to turn, whereas the Point Break is much more surf-board-like.

I have had the Point break in calf-high to waist-high waves (in fact, some much bigger ones too) and had a ton of fun. You can get on to the fat rolling waves and surf it. I think it is a bridge between sup surfing and foiling.

5106 posts
29 Sep 2021 4:24PM
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Well it surfs . it is a big board to surf , turns must be planned ahead

NT, 891 posts
29 Sep 2021 8:17PM
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So sick!
Once you get that big girl dialled you'll be laughing like a madman Tardy.
I love propping right back on the tail of mine with half a kilometre of board in front, setting a rail and invoking the spirits of a thousand generations of Hawaiian watermen who mastered the art of trim.

As CSE said, the Search is a different sensation altogether.


5106 posts
30 Sep 2021 3:14AM
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yeow ,sure do have to change your style of surfing to slow ,I think Duke Kahanamoku ,would of liked this one .
I had the fin right at the back ,duh ,,maybe will move it forward ,and get more of a dolphin fin on it next time ,
but it picks up little bumps like you wouldn't believe ..and still keeps flying along after the wave is spent ...
I like it and got it more for touring but it still surfs .

NSW, 1314 posts
30 Sep 2021 7:25AM
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The Venom has three fins ????? I wonder what difference a thruster makes for such a long board . Am I kidding myself by putting in the sides on 12 foot board ?

5106 posts
30 Sep 2021 6:03AM
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Gboots said..
The Venom has three fins ????? I wonder what difference a thruster makes for such a long board . Am I kidding myself by putting in the sides on 12 foot board ?

oh yeah ,three fins would be better for surfing ...get em in there boots and get a smaller rear in too .

5106 posts
30 Sep 2021 5:25PM
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I Was so far in front of the wave it looks like there is none ,board speed ,and standing on the tail I normally wouldn't of gone out in small surf like this ,but had a fun day cruising on small waves ..chill its like riding on the boot of a cadillac ,

674 posts
30 Sep 2021 9:03PM
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Quad or single fin? Since I am all fin smart now thanks to mango, for the straight lines that'll draw.

5106 posts
1 Oct 2021 3:47AM
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surfinJ said..
Quad or single fin? Since I am all fin smart now thanks to mango, for the straight lines that'll draw.

My search only comes in a single ,single i feel is more drawn out turns ,but in small waves maybe not much different..
I would like to get a different fin from the standard one .

2681 posts
2 Oct 2021 7:32PM
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Sick snap Tardy!
You are going to love that board

Yep, the Search is more of a "Pivot" turn from the kick pad, but once you settle into that, it does transport you back to old Waikiki and a really sweet form of surfing.

The Pointbreak was designed wider with curvy hips and a 5 fin setup that allow for snappier turning.
But there is a certain magic in surfing the Search, when you when you embrace the old school feel of the stiffer turn.

I hope you don't mind me posting my video here, surfing the 14' Search, to show the joys of the glide and slide.
Both Hat cam and SoloShot for a look at this special board

5106 posts
3 Oct 2021 5:06AM
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I'm always up for a challenger ,and i never forgot the boards of 1970's singles what I learnt on ,
it sure has a nice glide ...and great speed ..thanks for posting the vid ,and you had some nice foot work going on there .
12 search its a classic ,and a great flat water touring board , which i mainly brought it for .


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"just a couple of pic ,12 search ,love being the new owner" started by Tardy