It says Treehouse boards
Im guessing from North coast somewhere
Looks like a timber veneer.
8 6 X 30 X 4 1/2
Can be surfed as a quad or a thruster
I peeled some stickers off and it is paler under where they were I don't know if the board has gotten darker or the glue off the stickers has faded the timber finish.
I am unsure regarding sand ing back the finish as i don't want to damage the board
I would like it all the same colour
What do i do MR Wizard
send it to you for couple of months holiday in your shed and it comes back all shiny and new
Any advice would be appreciated as it is good fun board and a bit different
Nice one Hughie!
Maybe one of these?
I'd guess under the stickers is original colour, the rest is a bit suntanned from UV.
You would have to remove all the varnish / resin and treat the bare wood with oxalic acid (dredging old information from off site storage here - Helmy?) to get it back to original. There won't be much timber thickness in the veneer so fraught with danger.
Maybe contact the builders?
Or stain the whole thing darker. Or sell the piece of junk on to me!
Brilliant looking board - find the idiot that put stickers on it and punch him.
I'm a bit worried though - I've bought a longboard.
Eerily similar?
Hear you're doing the trip south on HMVS Deathtrap with Keith ? (officially)
Thinking as I go - takes a while for the brain to gain momentum these days.
Could you mask off all but the ex stickers and put it under a UV lamp to suntan the pale bits?
Less damaging than trying to sand back.
I think i will test drill small hole work out how thick timber is then look at light sanding and stain to same tan colour.
Yes shame about discolouration
Board is very floaty as you know i am a bit more of a lump than your svelte self and i can paddle it quite well. it surfs quite well and is very forgiving with a nice wide tail.
It would look good on your wall.
If we meet up at Merimbula this year you can have it if your interested. It was not expensive I bought it from a mate who headed to NZ.
If you come up to the soon to be announced inter galactic paddle challenge you can pick it up in August.
I like your long board bring it along and we can get a surf i have an old Bobby Brown shaped board from the 70's that i like to take out for a log every now and then. Has your been snapped and repaired or is the dark piece just for show.
I got the 17 4 sic we talked about they are great fun so looking forward to some down winding with you boys.
If you come to the inters we can do a boat drop off down winder from out the heads if conditions are right if not we can paddle to the pub.
I am to old to go adventuring on a leaky boat with the master mariner himself told him again today to get it trucked to melb.
No fun out there when sh#t starts going wrong.
Driving QLD next week will paddle with Danno
I just typed a really long and detailed, sensitive new age type reply, and hit the touch screen with my other hand on my hugely expensive HP laptop that I hate and it disappeared, so, since I can't be ****ed retyping.
Don't drill though the timber - keep the core sealed - sand an unobtrusive bit (middle of one of the off centre deck patches) to see what's covering it. Try and talk to the builders before hand.
If you can't make it shiny before Merimbula, I'll have a go. We could swap it year on year.
I can't surf, but in six months by Merimbula may have perfected my ineptitude to the point we could sit out the back and say "yours" to anyone else out there.
Munoz Glide, it's meant to look like that.
Boat drop off downwinder sounds good - I hate the meet and greet organise travel stuff. Just need to learn to down wind. See previous reference to surfing ability. Pub paddle sounds do able.
Go sink the master mariner's boat on the mooring - maybe save his life.
Picking up the longboard in Bondi next Saturday morning, spending a week coming back along the south coast.
Say g'day to Danno for me.
Looks like I retyped it.
I reckon you are right about the treehouse boys they look like the builders.
australian hoop pine veneer solid timber inserts at the nose.
If you want to pick it up next weekend you can have it
I am happy if it went to a good home.
No one will be here but i can leave it if you want
Or pick up in August
Bring it to Merimbula and i can surf it there.
Had a great mal surf with my No 1 son this morning at DY which is impressive as i didn't ever expect to last long enough to see my kids grow up. Now he surfs better than me. Seems only the other day i was pushing him on to waves on a foamy.
No hope for Captain Kaos i am afraid his fate is sealed.
I've put in an enquiry to a UV lamp place to see if that is likely to work.
Hoping just to slip through the south next weekend - staying in Goulburn Friday night, board pick up in Bondi Saturday, Gerroa Saturday night. If you can get it to Bondi I'm happy to bring it home to the tent and see what I can do. Could bring it back to you August.
Thanks Nozz
But i am flat out and gone monday you can pick up in August at the inters
Remember it is school holidays so south coast will be busy
That certainly looks like it - thanks for that.
Hugo, does it have what looks like two leash plugs in line at the back?
Where else would they be he asks?
Do you reckon it is Varnish or Polyeurathane coated clear finish? If it's varnish use paint stripper to get it off, wash the residue off and clean it up with steel wool not sand paper. Saw my father restore old furniture for most of my life, he was a French Polisher and doing it that way you don't remove the timber but it cleans it up.
if it's Poly then use very fine sand paper and a cork block and sand by hand not electric sander to get it all off, a slip with your hand is better than with a heavy sander and doing it slow means you can watch for any thin layers.
guess what that is the board and stewy is my mate that i bought the board off before he headed back to NZ.
It was a really different colour when new which is interesting.
I think the rest of the board around the stickers has darkened.
It is 8 6 and very floaty but kind of surfs abit like a big fish and is very easy to paddle on to a wave.
very cool
Have a look at the board in 20 th August at the Inters
We can do the 4km challenge and then drink beer while the rest of them plug around a 10 km course.
see you then
guess what that is the board and stewy is my mate that i bought the board off before he headed back to NZ.
It was a really different colour when new which is interesting.
I think the rest of the board around the stickers has darkened.
It is 8 6 and very floaty but kind of surfs abit like a big fish and is very easy to paddle on to a wave.
very cool
Have a look at the board in 20 th August at the Inters
We can do the 4km challenge and then drink beer while the rest of them plug around a 10 km course.
see you then
Would be keen to have a go at restoring it.
Are you going to publicise inters here?
I know a dodgy survey company that could do some sponsorship.
Need an unlimited division if you expect me to plug around a course.
Ok nozza you and helmy are on
Just got back from Brisvegas bit of paddling with old hard core Danno
The board is yours when you come up for the 20th August paddling at the Inters
Come up for weekend and stay at our place. You can bring your mate Helmy as well
We can do a beer paddle on the saturday and maybe a bit of surf paddling.
I am keen to get into some 10ft surfing division stuff
We can have an unlimited division for over 50's