My sunova speeed has gone yellow right around the underside of the board from the rail out about 7-10 cm. The board has had no dings. I thought maybe the valve may have been letting in water, but there is no yellowing around the valve and the pattern of the yellowing does not really support this theory. Has this occurred to anyone else's sunova, has anyone got any theories or advice. Thanks in advance.
put some soapy water (a drop of dishwasher soap in a glass) on the suspected area, with some folded tape around it to create a small basin, and let 2mn in the sun.
If there is a pinhole leaking water in, you will see bubbles.
You can see how to fold the tape in the top of this picture:
And the kind of bubbles that can appear, here a leak around the handle: (the smaller the hole the smaller the bubbles)
Could it be sun exposure? They do yellow a bit over time, you just don't notice it as much with the wood underneath
put some soapy water (a drop of dishwasher soap in a glass) on the suspected area, with some folded tape around it to create a small basin, and let 2mn in the sun.
If there is a pinhole leaking water in, you will see bubbles.
You can see how to fold the tape in the top of this picture:
And the kind of bubbles that can appear, here a leak around the handle: (the smaller the hole the smaller the bubbles)
Thanks Colas.
The trouble is, there is no suspected area as the yellowing goes right around the bottom of the board almost, extending out from the rails about 10cm, I will post a photo tomorrow, if I work out how.
Could it be sun exposure? They do yellow a bit over time, you just don't notice it as much with the wood underneath
Thanks Exiled.
the board has never been left in the sun and it is around the bottom. This is the 3rd speeed I have owned and hasn't been treated any differently from the other 2.
Some say............ it's the reaction of some resins to UV light, so the affected board doesn't necessarily have to be in direct sun for it to happen. Why it happens just alongside the rails I couldn't tell you.
I've had a few Sunovas, some got the yellowing edge, some didn't...... and they were all treated and stored in the same manner.
Never seems to affect the durability of the board though. Maybe Sunova can chime in and offer an explanation?
Some say............ it's the reaction of some resins to UV light, so the affected board doesn't necessarily have to be in direct sun for it to happen. Why it happens just alongside the rails I couldn't tell you.
I've had a few Sunovas, some got the yellowing edge, some didn't...... and they were all treated and stored in the same manner.
Never seems to affect the durability of the board though. Maybe Sunova can chime in and offer an explanation?
Thanks Gambler, good to hear, I couldn't really see how it could be water getting in, given the pattern of the yellowing. It sounds like I need not be concerned unless I want to sell it down the track. I wouldn't buy it with that yellowing. I agree I would like to hear what sunova has to say about it. Thanks again.
None of mine have gone yellow, but I did ding one on the nose.. but even that didn't taint the balsa or lacquer.
I have heard they do taint if exposed to full sun... I've yet to see one though..
Doesn't help I know. Just giving opinion from the cold end of the world.
None of mine have gone yellow, but I did ding one on the nose.. but even that didn't taint the balsa or lacquer.
I have heard they do taint if exposed to full sun... I've yet to see one though..
Doesn't help I know. Just giving opinion from the cold end of the world.
Also keen to know,As I am considering a sunova ?
Mine had yellow areas that were a bit random. Like the board had been left in the sun with a towel on it. Maybe left wet in a board bag? Did not effect the board.
Sometimes the timber can throw a yellow hue too. My Speeed has a pinkish hue. I think it's probably a characteristic of natural timber. It varies slightly in colour.
Mine had discolouration of the epoxy. It went over the channels that had no wood.
Same here, the discoloration on the channels is that gave it away.
Yea mine has done the same thing but its about 4+ years old and has generally held up really well. The only problem I ever had was a pulled leash plug replaced it with a double.
How do you store it?
Is it standing up in a rack with boards either side? If so maybe ambient light / uv light is yellowing the epoxy in those areas more ie deck and underside less exposed than the rails.
I've got a 20 year old sunova mal which is still in perfect condition apart from some yellowing, you hardly notice it as it's even on the whole board but when put alongside my new sunova sup the difference is huge.
sometimes the resin mix is a bit different and it goes more yellow. sometimes they go super yellow :) . i would say it is standard and dont sweat it ,lets see what bert says ..dean
I just looked at all four of my Sunovas and they're all slightly different. All less than 2 years old.
The Flow has never been outside!
Mine had discolouration of the epoxy. It went over the channels that had no wood.
Mine has yellowed on the channels as well
sometimes the resin mix is a bit different and it goes more yellow. sometimes they go super yellow :) . i would say it is standard and dont sweat it ,lets see what bert says ..dean
Thanks for getting back, great service.
sometimes the resin mix is a bit different and it goes more yellow. sometimes they go super yellow :) . i would say it is standard and dont sweat it ,lets see what bert says ..dean
Thanks for getting back, great service.
i sent bert a msg Iam .. also im vaguely remembering if laps are done at different times or with different brews of epoxy this adds another variation , cheers :)