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Recommendation for longboard style sup

Created by Mbyr018 > 9 months ago, 7 Jul 2017
13 posts
7 Jul 2017 3:20PM
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Hey guys

First time posting.

Looking for a new stand up paddle board. Currently have a 9'7 Jimmy Lewis kwad and a 11' Donald Takayama ali'i 2 in the quiver.

Beginner to intermediate surfer. Looking to consolidate my boards. The Takayama is 28 inch wide and about 170l volume, no stability problems at all. Is a bit of an old board with an old handle and weighs about 12kgs dry. Catches waves amazingly, easy to get up on the nose, only issue with this board is the weight, get very tired carrying it to the beach haha.

Looking for a performance type longboard style sup, at about 130L. I sit between 80-85 kg.

My partner has a 9'1 kwad which I jump on regularly with no problems in the chop. (130l)

I have demoed the laird surfer 10' by 30 inch 137l, and the Tom Carroll long grain V2 10' by 28 inch. Currently loving the laird.

After some recommendations about potentially going to the 9.6' laird surfer, VS other boards available in NZ.


VIC, 797 posts
7 Jul 2017 6:08PM
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don't know much about the laird but there are lots of options:

Sunova Style or Surf (or custom)
Smik custom
Deep Jackson Close models
One Sup Mals
JP Longboard
Naish Nalu Carbon Pro (my fav)
Fanatic Stylemaster
Infinity New Deal

No bad choice here.

13 posts
7 Jul 2017 4:24PM
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Hey Hoppo

Thanks for the reply.

Yeah been looking at the naish Nalu carbon pro, pretty good deal on one at the moment in Auckland.

Wish I could demo it though.

VIC, 797 posts
7 Jul 2017 8:49PM
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Just ensure if you do go that way, it's the carbon pro (2017) and not the previous LE construction which was known to snap.

My thoughts on the nalu Carbon pro are:

- Super thin rails with a hard edge all the way up the board make it fast and turn
- lots of nose rocker for steep drops and really pulled in nose to lower swing weight
- super grippy deckpad. More so than any other board i've used.
- nice and light (about 8.5kg)
- when you stand on the tail, the board accelerates unlike the sunova style which pivots and slows down

So to me the Nalu Surfs like a shortboard, paddles like a longboard. Perfect for where I live.

If you surf off the tail (like a shortboarder) it's a great choice or, if you prefer more of a noserider type of board, i'd say buy a Sunova Style 9'6".

VIC, 454 posts
7 Jul 2017 10:25PM
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Mbyr018 said..
Hey guys

First time posting.

Looking for a new stand up paddle board. Currently have a 9'7 Jimmy Lewis kwad and a 11' Donald Takayama ali'i 2 in the quiver.

Beginner to intermediate surfer. Looking to consolidate my boards. The Takayama is 28 inch wide and about 170l volume, no stability problems at all. Is a bit of an old board with an old handle and weighs about 12kgs dry. Catches waves amazingly, easy to get up on the nose, only issue with this board is the weight, get very tired carrying it to the beach haha.

Looking for a performance type longboard style sup, at about 130L. I sit between 80-85 kg.

My partner has a 9'1 kwad which I jump on regularly with no problems in the chop. (130l)

I have demoed the laird surfer 10' by 30 inch 137l, and the Tom Carroll long grain V2 10' by 28 inch. Currently loving the laird.

After some recommendations about potentially going to the 9.6' laird surfer, VS other boards available in NZ.


If you're currently loving the laird go the laird. I have the 9' surfer and I think it's a great board. Haven't tried a lot of others. I do prefer it to the 8'11 JL striker I used to own. The Lairds are hard to come by though I think.

WA, 713 posts
7 Jul 2017 9:59PM
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After riding the Infinity New Deal I am convinced 27" or 28" width is the way to go. That thing rode like my 8 ft board, super smooth. I thought the width would be an issue but in the conditions where you would be on a 10 footer it's not a concern


13 posts
8 Jul 2017 3:10PM
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Thanks for the recommendations guys.

Took the Tom Carroll long grain v2 out again today, on 2-3 foot waves, much better ride than the other day, got up on the nose, the strange rail curves and hull ripper like bottom not as pronounced as the first version.

Holds its line on the waves, struggled to turn it as easily as the laird or the Jimmy Lewis.

I think the Naish Nalu available is the old Nalu le, so a little worried about it snapping.

Keen to try the sonovas, anyone have any contacts with any of the sellers here in NZ, or estimate of how much it costs to send her.


NSW, 7269 posts
8 Jul 2017 6:40PM
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I've got the old surftech Laird 11 footer. I wish they still made them. I'd go out and get another along with the 10'6. Perfect longboard rocker and pulled down rails. I've ridden the 10'4 long grain and it turns nice but it's a bit narrow up on the nose. Will have to get a custom next time.

156 posts
9 Jul 2017 12:21PM
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smh said..
I've got the old surftech Laird 11 footer. I wish they still made them. I'd go out and get another along with the 10'6. Perfect longboard rocker and pulled down rails. I've ridden the 10'4 long grain and it turns nice but it's a bit narrow up on the nose. Will have to get a custom next time.

I have the 11ft surftech Laird. Bit betean up but will never sell it. So much fun that board.
Have a 10ft x 30in deep as well. Really nice to ride and not looking to replace it anytime soon.
Had the 10ft 6 in laird that came out after the surftech. Awsome board to ride but construction issues stop me buying another one

QLD, 1363 posts
9 Jul 2017 7:07PM
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NSW, 7269 posts
10 Jul 2017 4:25PM
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Zeusman said..

I'll probably look at them when the time comes. It's not too far from home.

that guy
82 posts
11 Jul 2017 5:46AM
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hi.Give me a call ph 022 4622625.i am the nz agent for sunova...gizzy will recommend me - lol.thanks.dean

128 posts
13 Jul 2017 5:57AM
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I am 85 kgs and ride a 9'6 Laird Surfer and love it! It is currently my goldilocks board that I can take out in almost all conditions though I just did pick up a Surrator for bigger days, which I am starting to like as well. I love the lower volume 121L compared to other boards of the same size. It also has slightly more rocker than the Pearson Arrow Lairds which help it perform better and is more stable than the older Pearson Arrows. I can't say enough good things about the board. From a stability perspective, because it is more stable, I feel like I could also have gone with the 9'0 but am happy with the 9'6. From a construction perspective, the board is a PVC sandwich which at first did get a couple paint chips but after I put rail tape on it I have had no problems at all.

Hope this helps.


13 posts
13 Jul 2017 10:04AM
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805StandUp said..
I am 85 kgs and ride a 9'6 Laird Surfer and love it! It is currently my goldilocks board that I can take out in almost all conditions though I just did pick up a Surrator for bigger days, which I am starting to like as well. I love the lower volume 121L compared to other boards of the same size. It also has slightly more rocker than the Pearson Arrow Lairds which help it perform better and is more stable than the older Pearson Arrows. I can't say enough good things about the board. From a stability perspective, because it is more stable, I feel like I could also have gone with the 9'0 but am happy with the 9'6. From a construction perspective, the board is a PVC sandwich which at first did get a couple paint chips but after I put rail tape on it I have had no problems at all.

Hope this helps.


Cheers Andrew

Yeah I think I'll most likely go with the laird, Im considering going with the 9 footer. I'll be heading to Vietnam and indo for 2 months, hopefully they are still on sale when I get back.

128 posts
13 Jul 2017 1:13PM
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Hoppo3228 said..
Just ensure if you do go that way, it's the carbon pro (2017) and not the previous LE construction which was known to snap.

My thoughts on the nalu Carbon pro are:

- Super thin rails with a hard edge all the way up the board make it fast and turn
- lots of nose rocker for steep drops and really pulled in nose to lower swing weight
- super grippy deckpad. More so than any other board i've used.
- nice and light (about 8.5kg)
- when you stand on the tail, the board accelerates unlike the sunova style which pivots and slows down

So to me the Nalu Surfs like a shortboard, paddles like a longboard. Perfect for where I live.

If you surf off the tail (like a shortboarder) it's a great choice or, if you prefer more of a noserider type of board, i'd say buy a Sunova Style 9'6".


Wondering how it would do in slow, mushy surf (opposite of hollow), both small and large.
E.g., would the narrow tail be a handicap without the oomph of a steeper surf?

Any other insight also welcome.

NSW, 814 posts
13 Jul 2017 3:30PM
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I think we are losing track of the thread here, a bit. Longboard style SUP.
To me it has to be 10' long minimum, it has to be able to trim well, ie very little rocker. A bit of weight works well too, to provide momentum through the flat sections and iron out the bumps, when you are near the nose. Also a nose rider specific single fin. Either a hatchet, dolphin or even better a fatboy style. At least 9" preferably 10". Very few of the sups around, ride as good, as a good longboard, particularly if you want to nose ride well.
I'm am really interested to have a ride on the Jimmy Lewis Black and Blue. Only problem around here, here are no demo's available, but they really look the best I've seen (only from video's).

QLD, 31 posts
13 Jul 2017 8:57PM
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give one sup a go if you can i tried a few different boards and their 9' is the goods

13 posts
14 Jul 2017 4:26AM
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Sandsy1 said..
I think we are losing track of the thread here, a bit. Longboard style SUP.
To me it has to be 10' long minimum, it has to be able to trim well, ie very little rocker. A bit of weight works well too, to provide momentum through the flat sections and iron out the bumps, when you are near the nose. Also a nose rider specific single fin. Either a hatchet, dolphin or even better a fatboy style. At least 9" preferably 10". Very few of the sups around, ride as good, as a good longboard, particularly if you want to nose ride well.
I'm am really interested to have a ride on the Jimmy Lewis Black and Blue. Only problem around here, here are no demo's available, but they really look the best I've seen (only from video's).

Definitely would be keen on a Jimmy Lewis black and blue, i have a Jimmy 9'1 kwad. Only issue is there aren't any around to demo before buying.

They seem to have one at a sup rental place in Bali, maybe I demo it there before I return to NZ.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"Recommendation for longboard style sup" started by Mbyr018