Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

Naish MadDog 8'6 vs Hokua 9'0

Created by JakeSki > 9 months ago, 22 Jan 2021
26 posts
22 Jan 2021 12:16AM
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Hey guys! Has anyone rode the 2020 Naish MadDog and Hokua GTW? They've changed the MD quite a bit over the last season or so and I'm wondering which one will feel more stable in choppy surf. I've got the JP Surf 8'6" that's epic on glossy days but can be a bit of a hard work when the chop comes into play. So I'm looking for similar performance but with increased stability (I'm still gonna keep JP for glossy days).

I'm about 77kg so I'm in between deciding to go either for the MadDog 8'6" or Hokua 9'0".

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated :)

QLD, 1363 posts
22 Jan 2021 11:03AM
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I had the Hokua GTW but in LE construction. It was fantastic as a quad and super light. A tad over 7kg. I found it pretty stable and I'm 96 kg

26 posts
23 Jan 2021 1:04AM
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Zeusman said..
I had the Hokua GTW but in LE construction. It was fantastic as a quad and super light. A tad over 7kg. I found it pretty stable and I'm 96 kg

Was it the 9'0" x 29"?

182 posts
23 Jan 2021 2:07AM
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JakeSki said..

Zeusman said..
I had the Hokua GTW but in LE construction. It was fantastic as a quad and super light. A tad over 7kg. I found it pretty stable and I'm 96 kg

Was it the 9'0" x 29"?

I have surfed Hokua GTW 9x29 a few times (6'4 108kg). It is a very nice and stable (for its size and width) board. I would think that Hokua 8'6 would be more comparable to Mad Dog 8'6. Although lower in volume it still has plenty for 77kg and will most likely be more stable than Mad Dog. I have not surfed the Mad Dog but based on input from others it stills targets more powerful waves and is not very stable due to pronounced rocker and V.

26 posts
23 Jan 2021 6:18AM
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BigZ said..

JakeSki said..

Zeusman said..
I had the Hokua GTW but in LE construction. It was fantastic as a quad and super light. A tad over 7kg. I found it pretty stable and I'm 96 kg

Was it the 9'0" x 29"?

I have surfed Hokua GTW 9x29 a few times (6'4 108kg). It is a very nice and stable (for its size and width) board. I would think that Hokua 8'6 would be more comparable to Mad Dog 8'6. Although lower in volume it still has plenty for 77kg and will most likely be more stable than Mad Dog. I have not surfed the Mad Dog but based on input from others it stills targets more powerful waves and is not very stable due to pronounced rocker and V.

Ah, good stuff, exactly what I'm looking for to add to the quiver. The JP Surf does the big steep stuff nicely so that's sorted. It's the days when it's 4-5ft and choppy as hell that are pretty annoying. I don't mind sitting while waiting for the set but we often get a lot of mess between the waves or they're spaced out 4s so on a tippy board I end up making more new swearwords than catching waves :P

Thanks dude, that's very helpful!

QLD, 1363 posts
23 Jan 2021 12:43PM
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JakeSki said..

Zeusman said..
I had the Hokua GTW but in LE construction. It was fantastic as a quad and super light. A tad over 7kg. I found it pretty stable and I'm 96 kg

Was it the 9'0" x 29"?

Yes it was.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"Naish MadDog 8'6 vs Hokua 9'0" started by JakeSki