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Naish Hokua 9'0 or Kalama 9'0/9'2 for my next board?

Created by MauiPaddler > 9 months ago, 11 Dec 2022
8 posts
11 Dec 2022 8:40AM
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Does anyone have feedback or can compare the Naish Hokua 9'0 (the 2016 to 2022 Gerry Lopez shape) and the Kalama 9'0 x 28" or 9'2 x 30"?

I'm an intermediate SUP'er looking to replace my 2012 Naish Nalu 9'6 x 28" 130 liters and would like to hear your thoughts on which of these boards may be more fitting for me. I want to stick to around a 9'0 length. I will be riding on Maui in surf in the 2' - 8' faces range. I'm 6'0 and weigh 165 lbs. (75 kg's) Maui gets really windy and where I ride gets very choppy, so stability while paddling and in the lineup is really important. I'll also be cruising around on flat water for fun when there are no waves.

I'm looking for a board that's faster down the line than the Nalu and a board that can really generate speed. I'm more flowy and carvy down the line and don't do vertical top-to-bottom style wave riding at this point.

Here's what I'm looking for .
-Wave catching machine, from 2' - 8'
-Fast down the line and smooth
-Fun and fast in mushy and bumpy surf conditions
-Paddles flat water reasonably well (isn't a dog or draggy)

The 108 liters of the Kalama 9'0 x 28" sounds like it might not have the volume or stability that I want for Maui's choppy and windy conditions. But the 9'2 x 30" sounds like it will be too wide for my liking.

Any insight is appreciated!

23 posts
11 Dec 2022 3:19PM
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My hokua is challenging in windy conditions, surfs unreal though. 70kg intermediate

182 posts
12 Dec 2022 1:14AM
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I had Hokua 9x29 and have Kalama 9'2x30. I am 105kg. A little bit of apples to oranges comparison. Kalama is a long board. If you want to surf it like a long board - trimming, walking the nose, etc. - than it is your board. Hokua turns a little bit different - easier to turn from the middle than Kalama. It also works better in larger waves - easier to control and faster. But it is not a long board so long boarding moves will be hindered. Hokua is a little bit less stable but not much.

Both great shapes. One is not better than the other. They suite different styles.

Naish GTW construction is garbage. Kalama construction is amazing. At US MSRP prices Kalama is an unreal deal, Naish is a rip off. Something to consider.

Both boards are too big for you. You should be looking at 9X28 Kalama or 8'6 Hokua.

1111 posts
12 Dec 2022 2:36AM
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That's two entirely different boards/shapes. I would suggest you keep asking yourself what you want to do surfing wise and maybe demo a few you narrow it down.

430 posts
13 Dec 2022 12:43AM
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For the traits you're looking for -- stability, glide, down the line surfing, maybe go the other direction and get a 10'? The 10x29 Starboard LB actually looked pretty sporty when I saw it closeup (only 120L and thin rails)... or the 10x27 Infinity New deal and keep old board if worried about bumpy days. My friend rides 9x28 Kalama and is similar in weight to you, I think he finds it stable, never seen him struggling to stand, but we avoid the real rough stuff. I've tried a friend's ~140L Hokua, may be pre-2015, and it did kind of feel like a longboard to me even though it shouldn't, it was noticeably fast but hard to turn at my ~80kg + suit. He digs it for down the line surfing

8 posts
19 Dec 2022 12:29AM
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Thanks for the replies and feedback guys. I'm leaning towards either the 9'2x30 Kalama or the 10'x28 Kalama after seeing everyone raving about it. I think the 9'x28" is not going to provide enough stability in the super choppy conditions I ride in regularly. The Naish is a great shape, but don't want to deal with the low quality GTW construction.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"Naish Hokua 9'0 or Kalama 9'0/9'2 for my next board?" started by MauiPaddler