Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

Fcs performer tri set

Created by Foam > 9 months ago, 15 Apr 2022
WA, 768 posts
15 Apr 2022 10:10AM
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I assume this set is still current , and at 85kg I guess size large

NSW, 218 posts
15 Apr 2022 8:18PM
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Hi mate, they look good for your weight, I went with the FCS II Harley longboard Tri Fins in XL. I am around 95 kg riding a Naish 9x32 Maddog. A very nice set of fins that offer great control and plenty of speed.

1012 posts
16 Apr 2022 4:08AM
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I have the Performers Large and they are pretty good, grippy and you can rely on them, but in most conditions I prefer a bit more give and looser like the MB. Coming from a wavesailing background I like to whip the tail around and even let it break out a bit. (99kg and using them on a 8.2x30x115l custom and Starboard 8.5 Pro from 2015 (112l).

WA, 768 posts
16 Apr 2022 8:41AM
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Thanks for the reply, I'm not sure if at 85/88kg I need med or large performers.

5168 posts
16 Apr 2022 2:23PM
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Foam said..
Thanks for the reply, I'm not sure if at 85/88kg I need med or large performers.

You need Quobbas :-)

Seriously, I dont understand why anybody would use slow fins anymore.
FYI, I am a fin addict+hoarder and never sold any. Except the performers, these are the only fins I have ever resold (once I experienced the Quobba). Too "meh".

1012 posts
20 Apr 2022 5:53PM
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I have a set of Quabas but haven,t had the conditions to try them yet, hopefully next weekend on my trip to Cornwall-UK. :)Fins are imo very personal and have to suit your conditions and technique as well. For example, I tried different sizes in different boards, but the C-drives aren,t my cup of tea while some love here them here.last summer in Portugal ago a guy I know well who is an above average surfer there and a good supsurfer with similar weight tried my board with my faviourite set up for 2m glassy buty not superfast conditions: MB Large front fins and a K4 (Plastic) 12 cm centre fin...and he hated it! , waay to loose!
We talked about it, and he see,s that it works for me really well, but he wanted way more grip from his tail as I do.I tried his Quad, and that had heaps of grip and drive, like being on rails but I had a hard time manoeuvre it the way I like. I can see how it mightr work on fast waves, but not in the conditions we got there while my set up isnt ideal in fast waves, but suits the slower waves really well.

5168 posts
21 Apr 2022 3:59PM
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Jeroensurf said..
Fins are imo very personal and have to suit your conditions and technique as well.

Quobbas have just less drag and more hold than classical fins with a similar planshape. This is why I cannot understand why one would use performers instead of Quobbas, which is the original post query. Quobba have only benefits in this case, apart from the tool-less system (unless if you also use screws like in the pic by drivethebus)

But speaking of fins with very different sizes (e.g: 2+1 setups, twins, singles, ...) or planshape (C-Drive, S-Wings, Spitfires, keels, ...) is a quite different topic. There you have drawbacks and advantages, that may be worth it or not depending on what you are looking for.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"Fcs performer tri set" started by Foam