Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

2016 Starboard 7.4 prowave

Created by BobbyR > 9 months ago, 5 Mar 2016
QLD, 17 posts
5 Mar 2016 1:24PM
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Hi Guys,

Anyone riding one of these?

I'm on the 2015 7.7 pro and looking at the 7.4.Anyone know if the 2016 is 83 litres or 78.All descriptions say 83,where the model before was 78 and I have seen pictures of the 16 board and it appears to read 78 litres?

I know it's only 5 litres but.......

Also of anyone is riding the 7.4 any views on the board?



16 posts
23 Mar 2016 6:20AM
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I own the 2014 model 78 ltrs.

It's a very serious challenge at my weight of 75 kgs.
Age: 50

Im able to paddle it and surf it if the sea surface is calm and easy + no strong rip currents etc

It feels great once on the wave. Fast and very light.

My everyday board is the 7'7" x 27" 92ltrs. carbon

QLD, 17 posts
24 Mar 2016 1:12PM
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Thanks Gents,

Think I'm going to give the 2016 7.4 a go and let's face it should be easy with the extra litres

Kidding of course....if it doesn't work out look for one selling cheap in a few months!



72 posts
24 Mar 2016 10:24PM
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I have the 2016 7'4 and it feels like 83litres to me (i.e. I don't sink below the water much). Of course it also feels like 25.5 inches wide too so its tippy :)

I was having exactly the same dilemma as you and couldn't get a straight answer on the volume but I just bought it anyway. However, there is a guy on instagram (paddlewoo) who certainly knows his stuff and has both the 2015 and 2016 7'4 boards and told me the 2016 definitely is easier to paddle than the 2015. He even asked Sean poynter who apparently confirmed 2016 = 83litres. However, just so you know... the 2016 still says "78l" on the bottom of it. Mine does...i consider it to be a mistake or they had a load of pre cut graphics hanging around.

Like I said, at 68kg the 2016 7'4 floats me absolutely fine. The width and the narrower nose outline still make it more of a jump from 7'7 to 7'4 than 8'0 to 7'7 though I reckon.

16 posts
25 Mar 2016 10:38PM
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Are you able to paddle and surf the 83ltrs in choppy/tricky conditions too? or you use a bigger board on those days?

My 7'4 78ltrs is too difficult for me if the conditions are not easy

QLD, 17 posts
26 Mar 2016 1:06PM
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Thanks Mattllew,

Appreciate the info,I thought I was going crazy.
I'm a bit lighter that you so 83 litres should be fine.

As you said the challenge comes with the general shape of the board.

But I'm keen to keep challenging myself and the narrower outline allows you to ride more critical/steeper sections of a wave.

So onward and upward hey



22 posts
6 Apr 2016 2:08AM
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Hello everybody,

we are curently testing the SB 7'6''X25.5 PRO Blue Carbon and I do have the 2014 model in my personal quiver. Well, the 2016 model floats definitely better. It's 83 Litres, no doubt about it! So far I've spent just one session with this board, unfortunately in marginal conditions (just XXS closeout waves). Looking forward to riding decent waves with it. Stay tuned on for the complete review. Besides, we're testing the Hypernut 7'2''X28'' Blue Carbon too!


QLD, 17 posts
7 Apr 2016 1:53PM
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Grazie Marco,

Thanks for the info and pictures.

I'll keep and eye out for the review,



22 posts
7 Apr 2016 3:50PM
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You are very welcome Bob!

Enjoy the ride,


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"2016 Starboard 7.4 prowave" started by BobbyR