I jst though HG was having a nice day and was just passing it on.
Must have been in idle thought Franrick a what if and will it happen thought I get impatient some time with innovative products and some times there
outrageous pricing
A little bit like a sea water generator from France I was drooling over till I saw the pricing
I jst though HG was having a nice day and was just passing it on.
Must have been in idle thought Franrick a what if and will it happen thought I get impatient some time with innovative products and some times there
outrageous pricing
A little bit like a sea water generator from France I was drooling over till I saw the pricing
or things like this
I started to watch the YouTube clip but I was buggered if I could understand the bloke. I think he was speaking in English but I'm not sure. Couldn't bloody understand more than two words in five.
He looked intelligent though.
the big coating manufacturers have been working for years on a coating that can produce a current....so far cost vs current produced not great. But imagine if they can achieve a reasonable output...every painted surface becomes a solar cell....vast warehouses buildings etc all producing power.
Just think,
Instead of having an engine in our boats we could just buy a 200 litre drum of paint and away we go.
Of course if you had a smaller boat you would only need a 60 litre and a 20 litre drum for trailer sailers.
A 2 litre container should be enough to replace and outboard although some smart arse would probably have a 2.5 litre version.
Got me to thinking though, how do you recondition a 200 litre drum of paint after it you have flogged it for a few years.
HG, I think you'd better engage in something useful like repainting your engine!!!! Noted Sambooka
some how that seems like your real nick