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Sailmate 4 Sale - Perth

Created by Toph 2 months ago, 8 Nov 2024
WA, 1849 posts
8 Nov 2024 10:56PM
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Just pitching an idea here.

Ive just come across a Sailmate sewing machine for $995 (I don't know if that's a reasonable price or not).

Would there be 3 of 4 interested people to go 3 or 4 ways in it. I have a few jobs for one after which I don't think I'd have a great deal of use for it but could justify $300 whether it's in my shed or someone else's.

I'd like to keep the deal as casual as possible.

257 posts
9 Nov 2024 8:59AM
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I have owned a Sailmate and think they are a highly overrated, over sold Chinese made sewing machine. Their primary benefit is portability.

Would like to suggest going in a group buy for a second hand industrial machine for the same price point will get a more capable machine with a good table and likely bigger throat. If bought well, tuned correctly and left in a shed that you can all access I think you will get what you desire

WA, 1849 posts
9 Nov 2024 9:21AM
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Ok thanks for that advice ECS. After I posted the above I saw some reviews and had started to wonder. At $1000 you might be better off paying more for the proper Sailrite, or as you said, a larger industrial machine.

It is the compactness and portability of these smaller machines that would make a share arrangement easier

257 posts
9 Nov 2024 10:24AM
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I made a mistake above, I had a Sailrite. Both variants of each other of Chinese manufacture


Forums > Sailing General

"Sailmate 4 Sale - Perth" started by Toph