French Yacht Challenge today on Moreton Bay. 15-20knots most of the day.
Pogo12.5 Fusion, was 10 minutes faster than a First 50 and 18 Minutes faster than a First 45 over about 150 minutes of racing. Not bad for a 40 footer.
Congratulations are in order!
We had a couple of breakages, broke the port lower headsail winch ( lost the self tailor) and due to having crossheet to other winches the jib sheet got caught and snapped the casing. We should be able to fix the winch at least.
Hi Sailmark,
Just so you know, VidPicPro got a couple of excellent shots of you, there's a great one where you're leading a whole bunch, a great crew shot on the rail, and another of a starboard tacker going between you and Momentum.
That's a photogenic boat you have there sir.
So, how did you go yesterday to Hope Banks? It looked like pretty much the same conditions?
Hey SB. thanks for the tip about the photos. Thank heaven no action shot of us shredding the kite.
Regarding the Sunday race, we are ineligible as we are not a Beneteau, although I think somehow we scored as DNS
Go figure.