Anyone had experience with those self adhesive fake Teak Floor boards? Seems like it could go wrong so quickly, and how to do the corners or join the fake lines up? While talking floors, anyone tried Floating Floor boards on board?
I've currently got carpet and underneath doesn't present as a finished surface, looking for a solution??
My cabin sole is that chocolate coloured industrial vinyl flooring used in factories etc with the raised circles. After 40 years or so it has faded and sort of dried out. I have been using Cabots floor clear on various parts of my interior and had a test panel of this flooring which I acid washed and then coated with this flooring clear to seal it. Looks like new! Yesterday I scrubbed out the interior with "Metal Gleam" acid and then washed down with truck wash to neutralize it. This morning I will paint the first coat of the Cabots floor clear. I had considered laying that artificial vinyl timber flooring that Bunnings sell but the planks are too wide and would not look right. I'm surprised they have not come up with a product of the same material in narrow planks to suit yacht interiors.
My cabin sole is that chocolate coloured industrial vinyl flooring used in factories etc with the raised circles. After 40 years or so it has faded and sort of dried out. I have been using Cabots floor clear on various parts of my interior and had a test panel of this flooring which I acid washed and then coated with this flooring clear to seal it. Looks like new! Yesterday I scrubbed out the interior with "Metal Gleam" acid and then washed down with truck wash to neutralize it. This morning I will paint the first coat of the Cabots floor clear. I had considered laying that artificial vinyl timber flooring that Bunnings sell but the planks are too wide and would not look right. I'm surprised they have not come up with a product of the same material in narrow planks to suit yacht interiors.
That's Pirelli matting. The Currawong I owned in the 90's had the same stuff on the engine box and step. You can still get it.
My cabin sole is that chocolate coloured industrial vinyl flooring used in factories etc with the raised circles. After 40 years or so it has faded and sort of dried out. I have been using Cabots floor clear on various parts of my interior and had a test panel of this flooring which I acid washed and then coated with this flooring clear to seal it. Looks like new! Yesterday I scrubbed out the interior with "Metal Gleam" acid and then washed down with truck wash to neutralize it. This morning I will paint the first coat of the Cabots floor clear. I had considered laying that artificial vinyl timber flooring that Bunnings sell but the planks are too wide and would not look right. I'm surprised they have not come up with a product of the same material in narrow planks to suit yacht interiors.
That's Pirelli matting. The Currawong I owned in the 90's had the same stuff on the engine box and step. You can still get it.
Thanks for that. With the clear sealer it looks like new. Certainly will never wear out!