It is a beautiful piece of British engineering would be a shame to have to bin it. I will look into rebuilding it tomorrow after I fit the copy and get my girl back to her berth!
Clean the armature segments after a clean up with some emery tape .
I used to use a hack saw blade ground down sort of a blunt point on one side of the hack saw blade
Buy your self some new brushes and also clean the brush holders maybe replace the armature bearing or bushed
I used to use a thread tape screw it into the bush and once it bottoms out the tape will pull it out
Also I use to put the armature bush on one finger fill it with oil and then press down on the top of the bush with my thumb then the oil would squeeze out of the bush
That's a long time ago South Ace I'm a a dinosaur
The bendix drive will have two collets like a valve collet or a wire ring after drepping the spring remove the wire clip and then the bendix drive
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