Notice of Race.
The Sandgropers will host a race weekend at Lake Walyungup Easter Long weekend (26th 27th March)
The event will be for Class5 and 5.6mini (blokarts included in 5.6)
The racing will include marathon races for Class5 and 5.6 mini plus normal course racing.
The entry fee for the two days is $20
Perpetual trophy for Class5 marathon and mini marathon.
Perpetual trophy for class5 and 5.6 course racing.
I will update more as time gets closer, This is an open event so visitors more than welcome.
I'll be there Vic, but I think the only way I'll be able to get near the Esperance boys is to borrow a Mini with a huge sail . Plenty of R&D on the Blokart to try and bridge the gap. We will see what happens and I'm looking forward to a great event
dont be so sure of the esperance boys, those big sails are efficient in a steady breeze but over rough stuff AND a course that they have to think about, it might be another story. often walyungup is more about how you enter and exit a corner than sheer sail area.
yes i'll be there, charlotte might re racing cl 5 too
Sandgropers Easter Regatta
Registration for the event will be 10/30 am on Saturday, 26th March. Plus yacht check.
12am Pilots meeting.
Racing will start 10 minutes after pilots meeting (subject to wind)
2 x 5.6 mini races
2 x class5 races
2 x5.6 mini races
2 x class5 races
Mini Marathon
Continue class5 and mini races if time allows.
12am Pilots meeting
Racing will start 10 minutes after pilots meeting (subject to wind)
2 x class5 races
2 x 5.6 mini races
2 x class5 races
2 x 5.6 mini races
Class5 Marathon
Free time to use yachts and give visitors a try.
Presentation and barbecue
See you all there
Cheers Vic AUS230
Commodore Sand gropers Club
Sorry but can't make it.
It will be my 5th Easter back in Yeppoon QLD, kite buggying for a month.
Best wishes, good winds and close racing everyone.
Sorry, I cant make it either as I will be in South Australia competing in the Australian Brass Band Competition(C grade)
One week to go to the Sandgropers Easter Regatta, Rely looking forward to it. Plenty of racing for 5.6 mini and class5 so it should be a great weekend for sailors and spectators, Looking forward to catching up with the travelers.
Bringing the Bleriot so every one can see how much land yachts have changed
Vic can yo bring a couple more blocks of silky oak please.its lovely to work. made you up a nice bottle opener with the last block looking forward to a race
Well after a washout on Saturday the Easter Regatta finally got underway with better then expected weather conditions. We managed to complete the entire program with 19 Class 5's and 9 Minis competing. The short course results are as follows:
The two Marathons started the proceedings today with the 5.6 Minis first away followed by the Class 5's. Congratulations to the two respective winners:
5.6 Mini Winner - Ron Fauntleroy
Class 5 Winner - Vic Birmingham
After a hard and fair days sailing the best way to celebrate and relax is by socialising whilst having an excellent feed and sharing the stories of the day’s events.
After some worrying moments on Saturday with nasty weather stopping the day, the event was not looking good. But we woke up Sunday to perfect racing conditions, The wind held steady all day and as above all racing was completed both for the mini5.6 and class5. I managed to get a few pics of 5.6 and couple of class5. On Saturday as there was no racing every one had great fun sailing the Bleriot.
great weekend ,thanks so much sandgropers. didn't bring home a single trophy
thought it might be nice of me to let some others take home a prize. that would explain why I didn't tighten the axle on 1 side enough,and let it all slide out. Handicapping felt like a bit of a drag,having bilt all those wheels and then havng to spendevery race ploughing through traffic ,but that's life. will have to think about fitting some fallshaws for the weekend
the Bleriot is amazing,a delight to sai .I'm proud of you Vic. thanks for all the photos and plans