Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

Sandgropers 2016 - 17 season

Created by aus230 > 9 months ago, 29 Aug 2016
WA, 1660 posts
29 Aug 2016 8:46AM
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Sandgroper had there first club get together at Falcon to plan out the forth coming season. Plenty of new ideas came forward that will keep the club on track. This season for the first time we will be running three classes with the numbers building in each class. It was great weekend with plenty of stories (some stretched a little) Thanks to all who attended and a special thanks to the ladies for putting on a great meal, and to Adam for making the house aviable for the weekend. I will post the program for next season when it is finalised
Vic AUS230

WA, 1660 posts
17 Sep 2016 10:11AM
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2016-2017 Calendar

Note: all event days include Class 5, Club 88 and 5.6 MiniStart and finish dates to the season may change pending on dampness of the lake .Pilots meeting at 12.30pm, Racing 1pm.Later in the season this will be droped back 1/2 an hour

Lake Lefroy 24-26 September
Sun 4 Dec Busy bee plus social land sailing. 10am start

Sat 10 Dec Bunnings Rockingham sausage sizzle fund raiser

Sun 11 Dec Scratch Racing

Wed 14 Dec Arvo social sail from 2.30pmSun 18 Dec Club Championship

Tues 27 Dec No season points race day

Mon 2 Jan No season points race day

Sun 8 Jan Handicap Racing

Wed 11 Jan Arvo social sail from 2.30pm

Sun 15 Jan Scratch Racing

Sun 22 Jan Club Championship

Fri 27 Jan State Championship all classes
Sat 28 Jan State Championship day

2 Sun 5 Feb Handicap Racing

Wed 8 Feb Arvo social sail from 2.30pmSun

12 Feb Memorial trophy day racing

Sun 19 Feb Scratch Racing

Sun 26 Feb Handicap Racing

Sun 5 Mar Social sail for those not going to Leemen

Wed 8 Mar Arvo social sail from 2.30pm

Sun 12 Mar Club Championship

Sun 19 Mar Scratch Racing

Sun 26 Mar Handicap Racing

Sun 2 Apr Scratch Racing

Sun 9 Apr Handicap Racing

Wed 12 Apr Arvo social sail from 2.30pmSat

15 Apr Easter Regatta. All classesSun
16 Apr Easter Regatta continued

Sun 23 Apr Club Championship

Sun 30 Apr Handicap Racing

Sun 7 May AGM Vernon Arms TBA

WA, 1660 posts
17 Sep 2016 9:11PM
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Just a correction.
December 18th is a club championship day

WA, 1660 posts
10 Nov 2016 10:17PM
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New season coming up an there is a 5.6 mini for sale in Rockingham , this yacht is ready to race and is for sale for $450. pm me if interested and I will give contact details, same design as pic, great starter yacht

WA, 1660 posts
24 Nov 2016 4:05PM
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Season to start early, This coming Sunday will be open as a casual sailing day to set up the yachts and for friends / visitors that are interested in joining our club to have a sail,
Come along and have a look,
Lake Walyungup . Entrance off Safety Bay Road

WA, 1660 posts
27 Nov 2016 10:43AM
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Few heading of to Lake Walyungup and new club shirt

WA, 700 posts
27 Nov 2016 6:45PM
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Fantastic days sailing for the opening day. A fast W course with long legs made for a great spectacle in 15 knots, especially for the visitors

WA, 1660 posts
1 Dec 2016 11:05AM
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Couple more days and the fun begins

WA, 42 posts
4 Dec 2016 11:08PM
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What a fantastic day, plenty of dedicated members turned up to lend a hand with the busy be and after all the formalities were over there was plenty of good sailing to be had. Next week is the first Scratch Race meet of the year so make sure you are ready to go and if you want to be in the running at the end of the year you need to be there.

WA, 1660 posts
9 Dec 2016 5:01PM
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First run in AUS230 for new season

WA, 42 posts
11 Dec 2016 11:09PM
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What a great turn out for the first scratch race meet of the season. The wind was SW, SSW and then S ranging from 10 - 20 knots. A great day was had by most with a few members experiencing so minor and also major breakages. Overall it was a fantastic day and everyone is now looking forward to next weeks Club Championship which will be the first for the season. Please enjoy the results and a few photos from todays proceedings.

WA, 42 posts
18 Dec 2016 8:39PM
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Well what a day mother nature turned on for the first Club Championship race weekend. We completed 8 races for all the classes due to the wind being a healthy and strong 24-27 Knot SW/SSW with plenty of Yachts struggling to stay on all three wheels. There was plenty of great close racing and some serious speeds throughout the day. Please enjoy the results and a few photos from todays proceedings.

WA, 42 posts
27 Dec 2016 7:06PM
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Ron Fauntleroy couldn't resist the 25-27 knot SW winds today and was out to get that much needed adrenalin rush after the Xmas festivities.

WA, 42 posts
9 Jan 2017 7:08PM
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Yesterday was the first Handicap Race day of the season and proved very challenging for some and provided plenty of entertainment due to the strong 20-23 knot SSW winds gusting to 27. There was quite a few failures and breakages in all classes throughout the day which added to the excitement. A great day was had by all and we certainly got our adrenalin fix for the day.

WA, 42 posts
15 Jan 2017 10:32PM
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What a fantastic day for the second Scratch Race meet of the season. Another great turnout with 19 Yachts in attendance which was a great site out on the Lake. The spectators had plenty to look at with some close calls and the occasional bump and rub throughout the day with some trying 15-20 knot SW winds with gusts up to 25 knots. There was plenty of great racing and fun had by all. The results are as follows:

WA, 42 posts
23 Jan 2017 6:57PM
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The second Club Championship Race weekend of the season was held yesterday and yet again we had another fantastic turnout with 23 Yachts in attendance. The weather has definitely played it's part so far this season with consistently strong winds each week. Yesterday we had a 20-26 knot SSW wind with gusts up to 30 knots. There was plenty of great racing and a few high performers who have come good just in time for the WA State Titles next week. A great day was had by all and the results are as follows:

WA, 42 posts
6 Feb 2017 5:07PM
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For the first time this season the sailors experienced some very trying conditions yesterday. With fluky (to say the least) E, SE and at times tending S winds ranging anywhere between 0-15 knots in between constantly shifting making for some very interesting races and trying the patience of most pilots. At times you would be at a total standstill while other Yachts would go screaming past you at mach one. You really had to think about what was going on and hope you had luck on your side as well. Even though it was a very trying day we all still had a good time and plenty of yarns to tell at the end of the day. The results for the days proceedings are as follows:

Class 5
Club 88

5.6 Mini

WA, 42 posts
12 Feb 2017 9:48PM
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The Annual Memorial Trophy Day was held today in fresh 13-18 Knot Easterly winds. It was an excellent course with a few challenging sections which actually caught a few people out but there is nothing like keeping you on your toes. It was another fantastic day's sailing and the results are as follows:

Class 5/Club 88

5.6 Mini

WA, 1660 posts
13 Feb 2017 7:58PM
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What a great day, unfortunately I was one of the guys that ended up bent out of shape and spun out on a corner, hit by another yacht that had no chance of avoiding me, that's how it goes. bit of work to do straighten things out, and my ribs need a little time to feel normal again(bloody sore) Well done to Jay for winning class5 and Jason winning 5.6. well deserved,

WA, 42 posts
16 Feb 2017 3:05PM
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aus230 said..
What a great day, unfortunately I was one of the guys that ended up bent out of shape and spun out on a corner, hit by another yacht that had no chance of avoiding me, that's how it goes. bit of work to do straighten things out, and my ribs need a little time to feel normal again(bloody sore) Well done to Jay for winning class5 and Jason winning 5.6. well deserved,

Thanks Vic,
I hearing you about the ribs, not to sure if I will be racing this weekend at this stage. Two fractured, lungs all good but very sore. Let's see what happens

WA, 42 posts
19 Feb 2017 8:28PM
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Today was the 3rd Scratch start weekend of the season with 15 keen and enthusiastic sailors ready to show their wears. The light 6-8 knot NW, WNW, W, WSW and SW winds remained pretty steady throughout the day even though the breeze wanted to shift about a bit. It made for an excellent days racing with a few new names up the pointy end and some regular front runners struggling a little. All in all it was a fantastic day and fun had by all. The results are as follows:

Class 5

Club 88

5.6 Mini

WA, 42 posts
28 Feb 2017 4:28PM
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The third Handicap Race weekend of the season was held on Sunday and yet again we had another great turnout with 19 Yachts in attendance and a few of the regulars away. The weather definitely played it's part with consistent 17-20 knot SW winds with gusts up to 25 knots. There was plenty of great racing and a few notable stand outs. Another great day was had by all and the results are as follows:

Class 5

Club 88

5.6 Mini

WA, 42 posts
12 Mar 2017 7:06PM
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The third Club Championship Race weekend of the season was held today and yet again we had another fantastic turnout with 24 Yachts in attendance. The weather definitely played it's part today with light to moderate and then very light and wet ENE, E and tending ESE later in the day. There was plenty of great racing and when you look at the results a few of the regular front runners had what you would call one of those days. A great day was had by all and the results are as follows:

Class 5

Club 88

5.6 Mini

WA, 113 posts
12 Mar 2017 9:58PM
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I have posted some photos I took at today's comp on my Facebook Page if you're interested:

Thanks for the show today; I enjoyed watching windsurfing without water... and sharks. :-)

Mark DeFriest

WA, 101 posts
12 Mar 2017 9:58PM
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Missed another meet because of work.
Is there any way to turn the page on the thread? anyone know why it has gotten so long?
it's taking the pc forever to load.

WA, 42 posts
20 Mar 2017 7:50PM
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Yesterday was another Scratch Race weekend with an impressive 27 Yachts in attendance. The conditions where light 5-10 knot E, SE winds constantly shifting throughout the day to keep everyone on there toes. There was some close racing amongst the fleet with a couple of Yachts winning by some good margins. A great day was had by all and the results are as follows:

Class 5

Club 88

5.6 Mini

WA, 42 posts
3 Apr 2017 7:50PM
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Yesterday was the second last scratch day for the season and provided some testing conditions to say the least. The winds were very light and fluky ranging from 0-8 knots coming from the NNE, WSW, SW and finally settling into the SSW. The wind or at times lack there of proved difficult for some and others relished in it. Overall everyone still had a great day albeit challenging at times but all in good fun. The results are as follows:

Class 5

Club 88
5.6 Mini

3 posts
19 Apr 2017 8:10PM
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A couple of changes to the club program due to me copping from a draft before the season started, my apologies
Was unable to edit original program and was not aware of the mistake up to a couple of weeks ago.

Changes Below

Sunday 23rd April Club Championship

Sunday 30th April Final scratch race day

Sunday 7th May Final Handicap day --- Season Closes

Sunday 11th June AGM
TBA----- Committee update on venue
AGM will be held at the Rockingham RSL at 2pm
Memorial Drive
Point Peron
New and old members welcome
Vic AUS230
Commodore Sandgropers Land Yacht Club

WA, 42 posts
24 Apr 2017 6:36PM
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Yesterday was the last Club Championship Race day of the season and mother nature decided it was time to give us a break and provided some reasonable sailing conditions. The winds where light and fluky early on and became pretty consistent and steady later in the afternoon ranging from 5-12 knots coming from the SSE, SE and finally settling into the S. Overall it was an excellent way to conclude the 2016/17 Club Championship with several classes going down to the wire. A good day was had by all and everyone is looking forward to the final Scratch Race day next weekend. The results are as follows: ALL RESULTS POSTED ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW FROM THE RACE COMMITTEE.

Class 5

Club 88

5.6 Mini

WA, 42 posts
1 May 2017 8:03PM
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Yesterday was the last Scratch Race day of the season. The winds where light to moderate early on and became consistent and steady later in the afternoon ranging from 5-12 knots coming from the SSW and finally settling into the SW. Overall it was an excellent way to conclude the 2016/17 Scratch series with several classes going down to the wire. There was plenty of close racing throughout the day with a bit of rubbing and grinding going on. A good day was had by all and everyone had a story or two to tell at the BBQ. The results are as follows: ALL RESULTS POSTED ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW FROM THE RACE COMMITTEE.

Class 5
Club 88

5.6 Mini

WA, 1660 posts
26 Jun 2017 8:00PM
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Well after 9 seasons my time at the sandgropers is over, Was a great period in my life and will miss many friends , to me it is the most successful land sailing club in Australia. Proud to have been the commodore for the last 3 years. I have not lost contact with the club altogether as the Lake Lefroy club is now a chapter of the Sandgropers, as I am moving back to the Kalgoorlie and will be sailing there. I have had a meeting with the club members there. There is a lot of enthusiasm to get the Lefroy club up and running again.

some memories of Lake Walyungup


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

"Sandgropers 2016 - 17 season" started by aus230