Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

UK Lefroy mini yacht build

Created by Rockhopper25 > 9 months ago, 21 Feb 2014
8 posts
21 Feb 2014 4:35AM
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Ok here we go, I will try to go through the build of the yachts with lots of pictures to go with it and keep it as short as possible.

Both yachts were built using the plans from the forum as close as possible but Chris made a few changes that I will note later in the review.

So we begin with the rear axle made from 40mm SQ steel tube with 30mm SQ tube axle stubs

The centre axle was cut and bent at 4 degrees before welding together

The axle stubs were fitted with threaded nuts welded in place to take the wheel bolts.

Next came the keel made from 58mm steel tube, one end cut at 30 degrees and plated to take the steering column

The keel and axle were squared up and levelled before welding together

The mast spa was welded at approximately 78 degrees towards the back of the keel

The rear axle was strengthened with 10mm tube at 45 degrees each side

2 brackets were made and fixed to the rear axle to fix the seat onto and a bracket to take the rear seat support

The tyres are inflatable wheel barrow tyres with the old weak bearings removed and new stronger ones fitted with a steel tube between them to take the bolts.

The steering mechanism was built using an old bicycle steering tube, with a 25mm SQ steel tube for the fork

Wheel fitted and checked for centre alignment

The foot pedals were made from steel plate with a sliding bracket

A small piece of steel plate welded just below the mast support to fix the front of the seat to then the completed frame was painted with black enamel.

Moving on to the seat next all done by Chris

wood plaster & clay plug for seat, plug prior to being sealed with G4 pond sealer then pva release agent

mould imperfections smoothed over with body filler then waxed & pva'd prior to actual seat lay-up.

pigmented gel coat applied to mould

2 layres 450g csm with local reinforcement at mounting points and seat back up to 5 layres

Seat prior to having waste cut off, front to back

Hole cut out for the mast support

Seat fitted to main frame for the first time

I added some Pawjazzel to my seat since I had some spare decals from another project

The rigging and steering on my yacht were all as in the plans using 5 pulleys on the boom but Chris decided to make some changes to his yacht as below.

The steering was changed to using the pushrod system with push/pull pedals

Also the rigging was changed to a central position with triple pulleys

The central post is fixed to a bracket under the seat

Both yachts completed and having fun down at the beach for their maiden voyage.

I have tried to keep this review fairly short, Im sure Chris might add more details later and if anyone would like to ask questions please feel free. I will try to answer as best as I can.

WA, 5921 posts
26 Feb 2014 7:54PM
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WOW!!!!! Love the build . Im really impressed by your mold for your seats. how are the yachts performing?

1229 posts
27 Feb 2014 4:40AM
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Excellent job!!!

360 posts
27 Feb 2014 8:29PM
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8 posts
28 Feb 2014 8:01PM
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Thanks everyone for the comments.

Since adding this post I have since changed the steering to pushrod as in Chris's green version this will give more control and a tighter turning circle.

Also we found that the yachts were too light on the front end and somtimes ended up doing wheelies down the beach so the mast posts have been moved forwards just behind the front wheels to add extra weight and grip to the front end.

I will add more photos soon to show the details.

Other than that they work brilliantly on 3.2 & 4.5 meter sails with speeds in excess of 30MPH


8 posts
1 Mar 2014 4:16AM
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Here are the photos of the new modified pushrod steering and mast position.

1229 posts
1 Mar 2014 1:14PM
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Rockhopper I am sure you will have built that front end strong enough It needs to be plenty strong
Great job with the build you will have a lot of fun with those


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"UK Lefroy mini yacht build" started by Rockhopper25