The Whipstick paddock basher 'Iron Chook' is now getting a makeover. So, the frame has been stiffened up a bit and the old yacht is getting a new seat, even going to go so far as to add a seatbelt (there's some optimism for you). Hoping to break 80+ kmh this year, weather permitting. Please forgive the messy garage :P
Seat timber is 6mm marine ply from the local hardware store, and an old shipping box (also 6mm). Polyester resin and strips of scrap chopped strand mat. Not sure how its all going to look at the end...
As of a couple of days ago I was thinking the Iron Chook might have to be renamed whiskers! I think I may have gone overboard with the cable ties :)
Thanks Chook for the compliment. No, sorry to say the yacht wasn't named after you but after the rural setting of its birth.
And some more progress pics. Not sure why I'm posting...making up for the quiet over the last couple of months Ready for a coat of paint.
I didn't think so, skinny legs but no one has ever said small feet.
Secret weapon seat, special design....not really. Must be an optical illusion as the seat is about 2550mm long. Width at the pedal position is about 400mm.
And to finish off this topic, here is a link to the Kingston SE sailing event. Scroll down to see the Iron Chook (and others) in action (video named 'Sailing near Kingston SE (SA) in our homebuilt landyacht' has the best Iron Chook footage)