Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

Dogs at Pinnaroo Point

Created by KiteBud 4 months ago, 27 Oct 2024
WA, 1565 posts
27 Oct 2024 8:08AM
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Dogs at Pinnaroo Point.

As you probably know, dogs aren't permitted at Pinnaroo Point (on or off-leash) North of the large sign on the beach (where we setup our school).

When we spoke to the rangers and the council last season and again this season, they mentioned that the rangers were asked to be more lenient and NOT issue fines anymore, just verbal warnings.

Dog owners are now well aware that they won't get fined for taking their dogs to Pinnaroo point and that the rangers don't patrol the beach anymore like the used to.

This means there are more dogs walking around the kite zone than ever before, which leads to more incidents such as damaged kites from claws.

We recently found that 3x of our school kites had rips from claw marks. Despite our numerous complaints to the council and city rangers in the last couple of years, nothing has changed and the situation is getting worse.

We know this is happening to other kiters, so if we want things to change, we need more people to complain on a regular basis.

You can do so by calling the City Rangers on 1300 655 860. You should also take pictures/videos of any such incident and email the City of Joondalup directly to :

The response time for the rangers to come to the beach after calling them is usually at least 30min, so by then the dog owners are usually long gone. However, it's the complaint itself that matters the most as these get recorded and investigated.

Eventually, we hope that with enough complaints from various kiters and other beach users, the council and city rangers can take action.


Christian - Kitebud

WA, 1565 posts
15 Nov 2024 6:12AM
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Hi All,

We received an email from the City of Joondalup yesterday.

They are developping a Dog Management Plan and seeking feedback from local businesses as well as community members.

Here is the link to provide feedback as individual community members:

All feedback must be received by Wednesday 11 December 2024

If you ever had issues with dogs now is the time to voice your concerns.


Christian - KiteBud

WA, 268 posts
17 Nov 2024 12:21PM
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Kick the dogs nuts in .... And then the owner, and make them pay for the kite not just the repairs

WA, 268 posts
17 Nov 2024 12:23PM
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And don't get me wrong .... I love animals, and tgink they should enjoy the beach too

295 posts
17 Nov 2024 11:43PM
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GarryA said..
Kick the dogs nuts in .... And then the owner, and make them pay for the kite not just the repairs

Don't blame the dogs for being dogs, it's the owners who are at fault.

QLD, 223 posts
18 Nov 2024 2:19PM
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I wish you luck with your quest to separate dogs from your kiting area.
I have similar issues with our local beach in Qld, where dogs are supposed to be on leash at all times but most are not.
Dog owners are so entitled, and all believe that their pet is harmless, at least until it meets another dog or a human who exhibits the wrong body language so must be bitten! Their "right" to have their fur-baby run free obviously surpasses our rights to play with our kites, but I think we need to really push the issue of the dangers these dogs pose to little humans, and their disturbance of local wildlife.

WA, 820 posts
25 Nov 2024 9:16PM
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My unethical life tip, when I see people with dogs running around outside of a dog area, I rock up super friendly and mention that I've heard rumours that people are putting poison baits in the dunes/bush, so if they see their dog sniffing at anything to be careful.

Dog goes back on lead and everybody is still chill.

WA, 268 posts
28 Nov 2024 9:06AM
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CH3MTR4IL5 said..
My unethical life tip, when I see people with dogs running around outside of a dog area, I rock up super friendly and mention that I've heard rumours that people are putting poison baits in the dunes/bush, so if they see their dog sniffing at anything to be careful.

Dog goes back on lead and everybody is still chill.

Fark never thought of that one

QLD, 223 posts
30 Nov 2024 11:07AM
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CH3MTR4IL5 said..
My unethical life tip, when I see people with dogs running around outside of a dog area, I rock up super friendly and mention that I've heard rumours that people are putting poison baits in the dunes/bush, so if they see their dog sniffing at anything to be careful.

Dog goes back on lead and everybody is still chill.

Hahaha, that's brilliant! Maybe we could save ourselves some trouble and print up some warning signs to post near our kite areas, so all dog owners would be aware of this "hazard" to their fur-babies!

SA, 2515 posts
30 Nov 2024 12:44PM
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Good advice CH3MTR4IL5. You can't tell people now days. Similar strategy works for swimmers who swim out 150m and submerge in riders lines and you can't see them. I stop next to them and tell them I saw a 3m white out the back just then.

WA, 268 posts
1 Dec 2024 10:24AM
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Lol...I do the same ... and the watch the dash for the shoreline ...l oll

WA, 1565 posts
16 Dec 2024 11:28AM
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The City of Joondalup followed up on our complaints regardings the dogs at Pinnaroo Point. They said they will resume daily beach patrols and issue fines to non-compliant dog owners. Thanks to all who have submitted some feedback via the online survey,


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"Dogs at Pinnaroo Point" started by KiteBud