Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

Coral bay / yardies to .. to the lighthouse

Created by timmybuddhadude > 9 months ago, 25 Sep 2019
WA, 811 posts
25 Sep 2019 9:54PM
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Hi..i need a buddy again (as the only person ive been able to find to do it was a world yachtman friend 3years ago..) ..
To do either coral bay to the lighthouse or yardie creek to the lighthouse all along the reefline
In the next three weeks or so... ready when u are lets do it its frigging awesome :-)
I am sure other people have but i am ready.. the latter is about 60km choppy outside but whales there and really interesting and inside u can see the things..hammerheads whatever

WA, 811 posts
22 Nov 2019 8:36PM
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Happening tomorrow and maybe sunday if anyone is about launch sbay@1 thanx meesa

WA, 811 posts
24 Nov 2019 11:02PM
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round the back of tantabiddi reef..whats that...3km? mission complete again &more2come.. great fun!

WA, 811 posts
28 Nov 2019 7:08PM
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Pausing2reassess& going thru turq bay down from sbay

WA, 811 posts
28 Nov 2019 11:04PM
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having a chat about a two foot fin outside the reef...and what species. it was

small reef

having a chat around south mandu gap ..gets bigger&further out again as u go down from there....around 4km out was a long section done..v interesting!!!! Germans...&austrians... and south africans..have to be the most adventurous ..but sensible... .. people around.must be all the german ice diving
Thankyou Germany

WA, 811 posts
17 Jul 2020 8:44PM
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Right.. Myself and two friends are super keen on the fringing reef 250km downwinder in Oct if we can't do the first bit easily definitely from coral Bay to the lighthouse..
Putting plans together now. I've done pretty much every island in the NW and all the reef line around c Bay and exm windibandi carn kalbarri etc and 60km ning stretches but we kind of want to cover the whole stretch!
If anyone else is keen that's great

WA, 395 posts
5 Aug 2020 6:59PM
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Awesome adventures man. I'm heading up there again next year. Can't wait. Just the best part of the world.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"Coral bay / yardies to .. to the lighthouse" started by timmybuddhadude