Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Tona Pop 138

Created by juicerider > 9 months ago, 29 Oct 2012
NSW, 403 posts
Site Sponsor
15 Feb 2014 1:23PM
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Just measured the ones in the shop here and they are standard 6" spacing no matter how you orient them. Will fit on any board with 6" spacing between inserts. Check your boots, the mounting plates might be a little off?

WA, 542 posts
15 Feb 2014 11:39AM
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KPSS Used said..

Just measured the ones in the shop here and they are standard 6" spacing no matter how you orient them. Will fit on any board with 6" spacing between inserts. Check your boots, the mounting plates might be a little off?

Steve I have the 2014 Hyperlite bindings in S/M with Webb boots. I had a Wainman Joke board and could only make them fit in relatively parallel stance, not in duck stance. Tried a few LF boards and same there. Axis boards work well. And of course those boards with slider rails. Having said that it pulled the rail edges up on my Gambler board. So definitely some compatibility issues with the Hyperlite bindings. Maybe I did something wrong. Just don't see what as the bindings have only the half-moon curved channel on both sides and that is about the maximum flexibility one has when mounting them. Maybe the problem is limited to size S/M. Did not have any trouble with boots before. So boot spacing seems standards, Hyperlite binding depending on the duck stance angle not.

NSW, 502 posts
15 Feb 2014 6:07PM
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I just measured at every angle on the Hyperlite's (both the s/m and l/xl binding) and they are 6" spread in every orientation. On top of that I have ridden them on Tona, Axis, Cabrinha and Slingshot without even close to an issue changing the stance angles. Please post a photo?


WA, 542 posts
15 Feb 2014 5:01PM
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Thanks. Weird. Could mine just be out of specs? Doesn't matter now that I have them on my Bootleg which works great. Did not make pics, just sold the Joke and did not go for the LF boards. Hope I was just unlucky then and everyone else has no issues on whatever brand.

QLD, 191 posts
16 Feb 2014 9:08PM
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Does anyone know when the new pop is due out?

WA, 37 posts
16 Feb 2014 9:25PM
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Apparently they don't do yearly 'updates' with the pop. I saw on another forum that there is a new board called the flow in the works..?

Big eeeZeee
NSW, 1100 posts
17 Feb 2014 12:59AM
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nah there will be a new pop short;y however it may just be with updated graphics.

The flow will be green (Dre never colour clashes his boots and board hahahaha)

NSW, 502 posts
17 Feb 2014 6:24PM
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New Pop is the exact same with different graphics. The Flow will come in 136 140 and 144 and has more rocker and flex for carving and soft landings. Dre is riding the Flow in this photo

WA, 77 posts
18 Feb 2014 5:07PM
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So when do you think the flow and the new pop are coming out, I want to get one so I think I will wait for the new ones.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Tona Pop 138" started by juicerider