Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Cabrinha cbl 2016 vs Tona pop ltd

Created by mdipalma > 9 months ago, 16 May 2016
2 posts
16 May 2016 5:03PM
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Hi all
.. I'm thinking To buy a New One board to replace my actual Cabrinha Xcaliber 2016 138x42, so i'm thinking at cbl 142x 43 or Tona pop Ltd 141x42,5
How perform the cbl in light Wind? Is different Shape from 2015, it can be used with staps, is it hard in flex? Somebody can tell me if use these boards?
Thanks in advance for your review.

QLD, 1451 posts
16 May 2016 7:10PM
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i prefer xcaliber over the cbl for kitesurfing and only use the cbl when wakepark or hitting obstacles on kite

2 posts
26 May 2016 6:24PM
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I'm talking about cbl 2016...did you try this or 2015?

Nobody else????
Please help me!

QLD, 1694 posts
27 May 2016 6:07PM
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I can't speak for the ltd. but the reg tona pop is awesome. They can take a beating. Mine lasted almost 2 years. And they are fast!

QLD, 1451 posts
28 May 2016 1:49PM
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nah i got a 2014 cbl it is super draggy to much rocker but great for cable park. if i was you id just get the standard custom not the cbl you have to be allmost 2 kite sizes bigger on the cbl and also the board itself has to be bigger. where you had a 136 xcaliber youll need a 140 cbl

anyways got both boards still useing both boards if you DO go the way of the cbl just get the regular custom is what i wish i had done. that extra load and pop and softer landing and easier rotation is NOT worth the god knows how many times ive seen everyone else on 10's (bows with flat boards) and i cant even ride upwind on an 11 (c kite with cbl/boots) it will just piss you off.

if i was to choose between the custom and the pop id go for the one that weighs less and im pretty sure thats the custom...we all want to support tona and not just feed some allready plump cats at neil pryde but if you debadged them thats probably where i would spend my money.

been hanging for wind all damn day its just not comeing in so off to park


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Cabrinha cbl 2016 vs Tona pop ltd" started by mdipalma