Thniking of updating. Is there any /much difference between 2017-2019 overdrive bars?
Also noticed the 2018/19 fixed bars have rear line adjustment at the bar end which is a really handy feature, although I don't think the overdrive has it.
Check the manuals at ...?
Looks like the 2018 bar starts the line length adjustments under the rear floats ... but otherwise, is just a different color.
I have a few of the 2017 Cab bars, both overdrive and fixed length. The line adjustments on both are made on the pigtails at the end of the lines. It's an easy process, loosen the larks head, move the figure 8 up to shorten or down to lengthen the line. Moving the figure 8 by 10mm will change line length by 5 mm.
Is it just me or is the new system from 2018 a step backwards? Seems if one of your Centre lines stretch, the only adjustment is either an overhand knot (25mm shorter) or a figure 8 knot (40mm shorter) or a combination of these to get as close as possible but difficult to get exact.
The 2018 Cabrinha bars have knots on the ends of the leaders attached to loops inside the floats. You pull a little loop tag thing that pulls the end out and you can adjust all you want. Either change to a different knot, or move the knots.
You don't need to have adjustable pig tails and knots and stuff on the line ends.
All the leaders and pig tails and depower line and trim and safety line are easily replaced using 2-3-4mm spectra and some simple splices.
The depower cleat is a bit slippy with 4mm line but 5mm is a bit thick when attached to the end of the depower. Cabrinha have bungy inside it. I just inserted some 3mm line inside the 4mm to make a bit thicker.
I used a bunch of Cabrinha 2018 spare parts to make a super long trim travel bar for foiling with huge kites. Very easy to do and not overly expensive. Some small problem solving skills required.
PS If my front lines were out of balance I would just splice up a new pig tail to make them perfect. That's never happened.