Hi all,
Looking for some suggestions on surf/beaches down the Gong in a NE wind.
Been looking at maps, Wonoona/ Bellambi looks good.
Do people kite there?
I know it's way more south but curious if people kite this lake. Looks like it would be a sweet spot for rails and kickers
Yep, head down. You will see kites.
Some nice kiting around there.
I was thinking of launching near Dorrigo ave
Hey Kemp, yes, people do kite the lake when there is enough water and not too much weed.
Dose it dry up?
Never dries, but when the bar is open and it runs out, or in drought, it gets shallow and mucky. I haven't kited there, but friends have gone there plenty. I prefer the point not to far from there
Never dries, but when the bar is open and it runs out, or in drought, it gets shallow and mucky. I haven't kited there, but friends have gone there plenty. I prefer the point not to far from there
It would be awsome to set up some rails and kickers. You could hit it all day long and not have to worry about the tide.
At my place we have to move the rail every 20min because of the tide