Really enjoying Firewires to kite on these days?they are high performance and not indestructible but thats personally the trade off I prefer. I think the new timbertek in kite construction is going to be the way to go. I also at 86kg managed to surf allot on this one also at 28LT although ideal is prob 29.5LT for me.
Yeh was looking at the Hashtag?this is my second mini driver it does everything I want..went back to my PU board the other day felt heavy and sluggish.
does look very nice... my eye is always on the lookout for a decent PU Mayhem. jeez they are $$$ though!
do the firewires feel 'corky' at all?
or skitish? or similar sort of feel to EPS/PU?
Mayhem is a sick shape and super popular right now amongst the pros, Lost did a good job on that one I really enjoyed it.
One thing I can't stand about Firewire (besides the snapping) is that silly pointy nose they have on basically every short board... is there any danger of them making it a bit more blunt? Also the "kite-construction" feels like riding a solid wood board (not that any other kite companies surfboards are much different).
Yeh this is surf construction as was my last luckily no breaks?They only feel corky when you ride them with to much volume?usually ride a bit smaller than I surf on. I think FW in the new timbertek will be light with flex and stronger from what I have seen so far?time will tell. I find the lightness great on the knees especially coming down from airs n stuff.
I was more commenting on the Kite-construction feeling like a dead weight under-foot. The surf construction is a reasonable weight.