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Retrieving steering line tuning knots Nash pivot 2016

Created by leroyb > 9 months ago, 29 Aug 2020
WA, 5 posts
29 Aug 2020 7:19PM
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Hi can someone please suggest a way to retrieve the steering line tuning knots see the bar end on the right.

I tried to tune the kite while it was flying and the steering line adjustment knots we're pulled into the bar end. Tricky to retrieve and wind coming on Tuesday ??

Many thanks

QLD, 409 posts
29 Aug 2020 10:38PM
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Stiff piece of piano wire or similar, pull the existing line out, push the stiff wire through and loop the two together to pull it back. Bit of electrical tape will help, removing knots beforehand will help you get it back through, as well as making a bend in piano wire before trying to thread it.

WA, 5 posts
30 Aug 2020 12:27PM
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Thanks Gateman the piano wire worked a treat, tragedy averted!

Enjoy your day!

VIC, 569 posts
30 Aug 2020 4:36PM
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leroyb said..
Thanks Gateman the piano wire worked a treat, tragedy averted!

Enjoy your day!

You can fold the other steering Line in half. Send/ push up into bar until it comes out the top hole of the float.

Use the hoop to pull the loose steering line back down into float and back into the yellow adjustable thing.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Retrieving steering line tuning knots Nash pivot 2016" started by leroyb