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Recommedations for harness brands

Created by Ainsley > 9 months ago, 2 Nov 2014
NSW, 1651 posts
9 Nov 2014 9:34AM
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that sucks....

QLD, 2433 posts
9 Nov 2014 2:13PM
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The Hummer (ion)

My harness is 3 years old now. (2011 Model) To be fair, im quite hard on my gear.

I would purchase another one this year, but i think ill get another good season out of this one.

WA, 55 posts
9 Nov 2014 5:26PM
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sarc said..
Ion B2!!! Expensive and worth every cent!

If you have pain or discomfort anywhere (for me it was my back) you should try one.

Dakine Nitro if you are on a budget but the B2 is more comfortable and lasts longer. Speaking from experience.

I've also got a pair of b2s - they are good.. Pull a little differently than my pat love icon waist harness but certainly comfortable and I don't feel that my nuts are at risk.

Pat at loves after sale service was great through darren at aks, but he may not stock anymore..

WA, 398 posts
10 Nov 2014 9:12AM
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glendog said..

samokta said...

DanWilson said..
Try on lots and even still might not get the right one.

I recently bought a ion Apex, looked good and was comfy in the shop but it's riding up and causing me discomfort after 3 hours of riding, wish I went for the Dakine warrior now.

Hey Dan.

I am having the same problem. I came off a Dakine Pyro which I got rid off as the straps were difficult to adjust and it was getting tatty after 2 seasons. I tried the Apex on in the shop and it felt great. Every time I wear it it ends up riding up and the spreader bar rubs on the bottom of my ribs.

I crank the straps right down and then it tends to dig into my ribs and hurt my back/kidney area. Its almost like the Velcro strap doesn't tighten up hard enough like the pyro would. Not to sure what to-do as I spent a heap of money on it. I'm not sure what's happening. I think it might be slipping on the inside Velcro section and when you tighten the straps down it everything digs in.

Ride with your kites lower.

Thanks for your input and advice. So how do i send for a jump. How do i transition?

VIC, 95 posts
10 Nov 2014 10:22PM
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samokta said...

DanWilson said..
Try on lots and even still might not get the right one.

I recently bought a ion Apex, looked good and was comfy in the shop but it's riding up and causing me discomfort after 3 hours of riding, wish I went for the Dakine warrior now.

Hey Dan.

I am having the same problem. I came off a Dakine Pyro which I got rid off as the straps were difficult to adjust and it was getting tatty after 2 seasons. I tried the Apex on in the shop and it felt great. Every time I wear it it ends up riding up and the spreader bar rubs on the bottom of my ribs.

I crank the straps right down and then it tends to dig into my ribs and hurt my back/kidney area. Its almost like the Velcro strap doesn't tighten up hard enough like the pyro would. Not to sure what to-do as I spent a heap of money on it. I'm not sure what's happening. I think it might be slipping on the inside Velcro section and when you tighten the straps down it everything digs in.

Interesting Dan and samokta

I have a similar problem with my ion Apex. I loved it for a season and a half but after a bad stack and bruising my ribs it gives me a bit if grief now. Everytime I jump I feel it pushing on my ribs. I think due to the design the spreader bar section slides up. I tested it in a shop the other day and when I was hanging I noticed the back of the harness stays in the right place but the front section slid up into my ribs, I had it super tight so I'm not sure of a solution.

WA, 2119 posts
10 Nov 2014 7:33PM
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The biggest problem here is buying a harness that is too big. The one that feels comfy at the shop will ride up once the foam/neoprene/straps stretch.

The choice should be the one that just fits in the shop and is a little tight and uncomfortable no matter what brand you choose.

WA, 8407 posts
10 Nov 2014 10:49PM
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For those who arnt aware this is the boa system, simply put it'll squeeze you to death or be a loose fit, so when your doing your powered moves just twirl the dial which tensions a group of cables within the harness, when you want to cruise or carve and want a looser fit just pull the dial and tension is released, easily done on the go

WA, 8407 posts
10 Nov 2014 10:54PM
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Also which gets overlooked is safety, can you ditch your harness, ie a 3rd point of safety after your release system and leash ?

WA, 8407 posts
10 Nov 2014 11:01PM
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"And most important "has it a knife and or p ouch to store one, amazes me that you still can buy harnesses without, IMO should be a manufacturing standard across all brands

VIC, 21 posts
11 Nov 2014 2:49PM
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Mystic Code 1... easily the best harness I've ever had.

The twist and tighten requires a regular rinse but its worth it to be able to crank it up super tight.

VIC, 960 posts
21 Nov 2014 4:15PM
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Any opinion on the Ion Spectre? They feel comfortable in the shop (compared to my 2006 harness!!!).

The side straps seem a little weedy compared to my old one...

NSW, 1301 posts
21 Nov 2014 6:24PM
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surfingboye said..
A BIG no on the Engine harnesses from me.

I haven't ridden with this harness much in the year I have had it.

This is after less two weeks, under 6 sessions I would say.

It was over in the USA for about a month being repaired given transit times etc.
Was happy to finally get it back... But then again, the same thing happened.
The epoxy starts to delam and breaks the seal and leaks water in.

To say I am unhappy in an understatement.
For a harness I paid around $450AUS for, I am PISSSSSED!

Buyer beware.

Looks like you blown your engine Id be pissed too

NSW, 984 posts
21 Nov 2014 8:05PM
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. . My engine is still going great. There is just some minor UV damage starting on the top of the rubber lining. I've pasted colemans quote from another forum below. Mat (surfingboye) if you haven't given up, I can help get your harness back and forth to USA for repairs Without the international postage. If you give it to one of the Byron guys at mambo I'll just FedEx it locally next time I'm over there. Can be posted back to my USA Address. Let me know, that sucks.

"Hey guys, Coleman here (I make the engine harnesses).

There were two delam issues, I'll explain both of them and explain how they have been resolved. Also just so everyone knows if there ever is an issue with a harness I fix it free of charge, I think that's pretty good customer service. I can't think of any other kite gear companies that offer that.

issue 1: Shells delaminating: In this issue the gloss coat on the shells was delaminating from the rest of the laminate which caused everything that was glued to it to become detached. This was kind of a nightmare for me but the root of the problem was a bottle of resin that had gone bad. I just bought new resin and that solved things. This issue occurred around Dec/Jan of 2013/2014

issue 2: Rubber detaching from the shell: The problem here was that the rubber edging was detaching from the composite shell because I wasn't sanding it before I put the glue down. As soon as I started sanding them they stopped detaching so the issue has been solved. That issue got solved around June 2014). A couple people poo poo'd the hot glue fix but that's really how its done. This isn't craft store hot glue though, its marine grade industrial hot melt and the bond is strong as ****.

Someone asked if I use UV inhibitors in the gloss coat, yes I do.

Anyhow, I think the bugs have been worked out and that the harnesses have become very dependable. They also have a new belt design that makes them even more comfortable. If anyone has questions please feel free to contact me at (I don't check forums very often)."

WA, 987 posts
21 Nov 2014 5:45PM
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SaltySinus said..
Any opinion on the Ion Spectre? They feel comfortable in the shop (compared to my 2006 harness!!!).

The side straps seem a little weedy compared to my old one...

We sell ION spectre's. We have had them about a week.
I used one now for 3 sessions
-very lightweight even when wet
-Tune-able support with choice of none , medium or hard t-sticks(polycarb batons)
-good rotational twist when riding toeside.

-3 sessions in hard to tell what they will be like at end of season
-Might not be large enough if you have more than a 36" waist as XL is largest size
-not sure if i keep changing sticks around, can be a bit fiddly

Probably worth trying at your local ION dealer, I don't normally like the ION range as they feel heavy and bulky, this feels light but supportive.
PS the last 10 harness we sold have been spectre's so you should start seeing them on the Perth metro beaches.


WA, 1363 posts
21 Nov 2014 7:05PM
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ActionSportsWA said..

I don't normally like the ION range as they feel heavy and bulky.


You sold me a ION harness telling me they are a great harness! Salesman.

Just jokes and all is good as I love my mine.

VIC, 960 posts
27 Nov 2014 4:45PM
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ActionSportsWA said..

SaltySinus said..
Any opinion on the Ion Spectre? They feel comfortable in the shop (compared to my 2006 harness!!!).

The side straps seem a little weedy compared to my old one...

We sell ION spectre's. We have had them about a week.
I used one now for 3 sessions
-very lightweight even when wet
-Tune-able support with choice of none , medium or hard t-sticks(polycarb batons)
-good rotational twist when riding toeside.

-3 sessions in hard to tell what they will be like at end of season
-Might not be large enough if you have more than a 36" waist as XL is largest size
-not sure if i keep changing sticks around, can be a bit fiddly

Probably worth trying at your local ION dealer, I don't normally like the ION range as they feel heavy and bulky, this feels light but supportive.
PS the last 10 harness we sold have been spectre's so you should start seeing them on the Perth metro beaches.


Thanks ActionSportsWA. You guys are the best.

WA, 8407 posts
27 Nov 2014 9:59PM
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8 to 10 sessions on my ion had the buckle strap on both sides splitting,

WA, 528 posts
11 Dec 2014 7:50PM
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I've just broken my 2nd flying objects harness in less than 18 months
The first one got replaced under warranty after about 2 months when the main strap was torn half way through
Could possibly get this one replaced under warranty but I'm not interested in having any more kitemare sessions
My old pro limit harness which did 5 seasons will be pulled out of the shed until I buy something else

Please add this to your list of stuff to avoid !!!!

QLD, 1694 posts
11 Dec 2014 10:01PM
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I have no idea why but I seam to suffer from chaff really badly, my old harness was a mistic warrior, was ok but back was really high and the inside was quite grippy so when it did move on my it would tear my skin off me. So iv moved on to ion madtrix, the back is smooth so it can move freely on my wast without chaffing and it's built tough. I would recommend ion to any1!!

NSW, 2707 posts
11 Dec 2014 11:20PM
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Mystic warriors rub hips away like sand paper.
Terrible memories of that harness, cringe everytime I see someone wearing one! haha.

QLD, 1694 posts
11 Dec 2014 10:22PM
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surfingboye said...
Mystic warriors rub hips away like sand paper.
Terrible memories of that harness, cringe everytime I see someone wearing one! haha.

Man i thought I was the only 1. Dam that harness


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Recommedations for harness brands" started by Ainsley