You masturbate to the top pictureAnd don't know what to do with the bottom picture. ..?
Select to expand quotetheDoctor said...You masturbate to the top pictureAnd don't know what to do with the bottom picture. ..?
The doctor has ridden allExcept the boards
Cauncy ****posts. Must be late on a Friday night.
They were all made in 2015 in China?
Select to expand quoteHybrid_Z said...Cauncy ****posts. Must be late on a Friday night.Cmon dude use your imagination and humourSomething like HYBRID Z has rubbed wax on all except the boards
Nothing. They re all hermaphrodites. Both use pads and have cocks attached
they all look board.
Both go in one direction and both can't perform?
The only people who should be riding them are teenage girls?
One prefers straps on, the others prefer strap-ons?
Only one of them will last 18 months?
One has 18 screw holes, the others have 10?
Nothing.....they all have shapes tattooed on them to try and look tougher than they are.
One lot has hardly been ridden, the other lot has been ridden hard.
Some need more volumeOthers you'd prefer none
6 legends on the bottom photo
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