Forums > Kitesurfing General

Help me plan a quick lil holiday to Australia

Created by DavidBR > 9 months ago, 21 Jun 2014
3 posts
21 Jun 2014 10:23AM
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I have a month off university here in New Zealand and i know I am going to get bored ****less sitting at home. I Have a bit of money saved up from working so why not go to Australia and get some kiteboarding in.

Here is where i need you guys help, info on who, what, when, how, why. Im an intermediate kiteboarder got a 9 & 12 so wind rage is 15-30 knots. Looking for flat water and most importantly WIND.

Where should i go for around a week where i can get the maximum amount of kiting in? Tell me everything, where i should fly in, where can i stay, how hot will it be, how many things are going to be trying to kill me, how crowed is said location, what are the locals like.

Any and all responses would be very amazing. The more you tell me the more i can start researching for myself.


QLD, 550 posts
21 Jun 2014 12:47PM
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Mate go to Aitutaki and get some decent flat water kiting in. Your other option is North Queensland for wind but i would go to the Cook Islands before FNQ.

NSW, 107 posts
21 Jun 2014 1:18PM
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Id personally go to fiji the trade winds there will keep you on the water

NSW, 93 posts
21 Jun 2014 1:34PM
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I would really give Lord Howe Island a look, some pretty good packages been put together from Sydney or Brisbane. I have a few Kiters coming over Mid July, August & September. Here is the deal. Let me know if you want more info

QLD, 2060 posts
21 Jun 2014 4:07PM
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DavidBR said...

I have a month off university here in New Zealand and i know I am going to get bored ****less sitting at home. I Have a bit of money saved up from working so why not go to Australia and get some kiteboarding in.

Here is where i need you guys help, info on who, what, when, how, why. Im an intermediate kiteboarder got a 9 & 12 so wind rage is 15-30 knots. Looking for flat water and most importantly WIND.

Where should i go for around a week where i can get the maximum amount of kiting in? Tell me everything, where i should fly in, where can i stay, how hot will it be, how many things are going to be trying to kill me, how crowed is said location, what are the locals like.

Any and all responses would be very amazing. The more you tell me the more i can start researching for myself.


How long is a piece of string?

And do you want to be bombarded by tour operators or you want local knowledge?

If the later, come to North QLD. Cairns, Port Douglas or Townsville.

Plenty, plenty of wind up here, mate especially after July. Warmer winds, better babes and colder beer (not frozen!).

NSW, 220 posts
21 Jun 2014 4:22PM
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This is Australia. Literally everything tried to kill you.

NSW, 5784 posts
21 Jun 2014 5:10PM
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you could do the full new zealand in austaralia experience and get a job as a scaffolder

that would be 'sack eggs bro'

(sick as mate)

1357 posts
21 Jun 2014 3:22PM
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62Davo said...
I would really give Lord Howe Island a look, some pretty good packages been put together from Sydney or Brisbane. I have a few Kiters coming over Mid July, August & September. Here is the deal. Let me know if you want more info

Davo, what's the luggage (kite/board) allowance on the flight over ?

NSW, 93 posts
21 Jun 2014 6:05PM
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Baggage to Lord Howe

There is a 14kg per bag outward limit from Sydney and Brisbane, and you are allowed a carry on up 7kg, and you can book an extra 14kg bag.

The Extra 14kg bag may not travel on the same flight as you, but could arrive the next day and would be delivered to your accommodation on Lord Howe.

Return flights are not an issue because all the Qantas staff at Lord Howe are local residents and they let that sort of thing slip, they do not want to hassle their tourists.

The way I would get around the issue is to use one of those bags that splits in two, that way you could have 28kg of booked in luggage, which is up too 4 kites, your board and wet suit etc. I would carry the bag to the airport clipped together as one bag, when I get to the check in counter I split it into two.

Fit as much in your carry on bag, in an airline approved carry on backpack. They do not normally weight your carry on. The check in person will warn you that your extra bag might not come on the same flight, but normally does. The only time extra bags will not come on the same flight is if the flight is completely full, and at this time of the year the flights are not often full.

Book the extra 14kg bag online the price at the airport is double, I'm fairly sure it is only $30 online.

If you need any other help let me know, you probably will not need big kites as the winds in winter tend to be 20-30 knots.
If you want to ship stuff prior, send it in a 5kg express post bag, which is shipped by air and get there quite quickly usually within 24-48 hrs from Brisbane, can take an extra day from Sydney for some reason. Use an Express Post bag not a box as it is cheaper.

QLD, 520 posts
21 Jun 2014 6:28PM
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this time of year head to cairns or port douglas. or anywhere around there, not the flattest water, i went there this time last year and didnt really explore to much so there probably is some spots that are flat but there is wind every day.

1357 posts
22 Jun 2014 7:14AM
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Thanks Davo, what is oct/nov like for wind ?

NSW, 93 posts
22 Jun 2014 10:04AM
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Surfer62 said...
Thanks Davo, what is oct/nov like for wind ?

Certainly less consistent wind, we start to get onto the summer weather pattern with less westerlies the later you leave it. It also becomes more expensive without the "winter specials" finishing up September. July, August & September are the most consistent months.

3 posts
24 Jun 2014 7:08PM
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Loftywinds said...

DavidBR said...

I have a month off university here in New Zealand and i know I am going to get bored ****less sitting at home. I Have a bit of money saved up from working so why not go to Australia and get some kiteboarding in.

Here is where i need you guys help, info on who, what, when, how, why. Im an intermediate kiteboarder got a 9 & 12 so wind rage is 15-30 knots. Looking for flat water and most importantly WIND.

Where should i go for around a week where i can get the maximum amount of kiting in? Tell me everything, where i should fly in, where can i stay, how hot will it be, how many things are going to be trying to kill me, how crowed is said location, what are the locals like.

Any and all responses would be very amazing. The more you tell me the more i can start researching for myself.


How long is a piece of string?

And do you want to be bombarded by tour operators or you want local knowledge?

If the later, come to North QLD. Cairns, Port Douglas or Townsville.

Plenty, plenty of wind up here, mate especially after July. Warmer winds, better babes and colder beer (not frozen!).

I was hoping for local knowledge but i have already been bombarded by tour people. North Queensland sounds rad, is there a significant kite community up there?

QLD, 16 posts
25 Jun 2014 7:18AM
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Look up Australian kite surfari north QLD

QLD, 581 posts
25 Jun 2014 9:16AM
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Southeast queensland is utterly %hit at this time of year, but Far North Queensland is good for wind right now. Cairns airport - hour north on shuttle bus to Port Douglas, backpackers more towards south end of beach (where most kite), scam lifts to kite spot at beach (a few kms away). Its not maui, perth or brazil but at lower tides it can be super fun. No waves, wind can come and go but it's not too bad and it's warm as.... I going up end of next week. No jellies this time of year.

QLD, 678 posts
25 Jun 2014 11:15AM
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Loftywinds said...

DavidBR said...

I have a month off university here in New Zealand and i know I am going to get bored ****less sitting at home. I Have a bit of money saved up from working so why not go to Australia and get some kiteboarding in.

Here is where i need you guys help, info on who, what, when, how, why. Im an intermediate kiteboarder got a 9 & 12 so wind rage is 15-30 knots. Looking for flat water and most importantly WIND.

Where should i go for around a week where i can get the maximum amount of kiting in? Tell me everything, where i should fly in, where can i stay, how hot will it be, how many things are going to be trying to kill me, how crowed is said location, what are the locals like.

Any and all responses would be very amazing. The more you tell me the more i can start researching for myself.


How long is a piece of string?

Twice the distance from the middle to one end LMAO

QLD, 2060 posts
25 Jun 2014 11:39AM
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iandvnt said...
Southeast queensland is utterly %hit at this time of year, but Far North Queensland is good for wind right now. Cairns airport - hour north on shuttle bus to Port Douglas, backpackers more towards south end of beach (where most kite), scam lifts to kite spot at beach (a few kms away). Its not maui, perth or brazil but at lower tides it can be super fun. No waves, wind can come and go but it's not too bad and it's warm as.... I going up end of next week. No jellies this time of year.

Perfect summary Ian.

And take lots of mozzy spray (roll ons are better as you get more of the liquid on your skin and not blown away in the wind). I remember kiting at Port Douglas 3 years ago and was bitten to the core by the locals. I'd forgotten my mozzy spray. Had welts for weeks. So take a few bottles. But plenty on sale locally anyway.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Help me plan a quick lil holiday to Australia" started by DavidBR