I've been hanging around this Seabreeze garden for s bit now
I generally believe I cause little to no trouble
heck. I hardly kicked up a stinky hoo haa when the mulleted Spider monkey refused me my hardearned sweatshop t shirt..
So I'd like to ask a favor of you retarded keyboard monkies..
my self and a dear friend of mine are looking to buy an opal to turn into a piece of jewellry to commemorate the anniversary of the passing of a family member who's mantra was ....'Look for the opals in life love, look for the opals'
but. ... as far as Opals go. ..
we don't really know what we're looking for. ..
All the Web related stuff seems to be by businesses who spruk their own wears as the best. ..
Any help would be greatly appreciated. ..
No prob my friend, I wish I could say iv caused no stress or anger to anyone but that does not seem the case here in the wind plains of seabreeze.
Well I used to be an Opel miner at lightning ridge and I'm considering going back this winter for some more pain in the hunt for that lovely gem.
I'm more than happy to give advice as I'm not using it! Send a picture of what your looking at and I'll do my best.
Me as a young 30 year old digging under ground, wish I could have that young body back!
Pay day.
If you haven't seen it don't purchase it. Do not purchase of the web.
People prospectors will not sell flawless rough or stones.
Make sure you get a certificate with it. This means its been valued by a professional first.
The opal will be cheap because it has flaws and cant be cabbed
Go thru a reputable company to set your stone. It mabe be exchanged for a fake.
I dare say your best bet is to visit lightening ridge or take the long journey to coper peady buy direct!
Geeze Dezman Thats some nice stones!
Lots of opals sold are a thin veneer of opal glued to a backing stone and then with a clear resin over the top. Can't recall the term but it is something like 'laminated' stone?
Beware shonky sellers who do not disclose that......
Call Donna 0427167432. She does acupuncture and massage as well as selling opals at the ridge. If the opal dosn't work out, the treatment is pretty good. My wife bought one and I didn't feel we were getting ripped which is a big thing with opal.
Worked at Olympic dam for many years. Whenever there was a shutdown or new construction work happening it got pretty funny with the Andamooka locals. They would get all their "podge" or scrap opals and put them in a Vegemite jar with water and detergent in it, Colors came right out in the opals. The new guys opened their wallets and all was good in the world.
The Andamooka boys would then ajourn back to the pub and proceed to get smashed.
Pool comp / chook raffle night was always a hoot from memory.
Can any of you recommend a really good gem cutter who can source & cut me a stone from a standard gem layout?