(Ignoring the cost of approx $130 per home per year)
What's the big deal?
Your very ignorant if you don't think that the internet isn't already storing all of the above anyway.
We are lucky as we have a case study going in in this respect, America. They are having their freedoms systematically removed to "protect their freedom".
I don't want to live in a country where police and state have ultimate power over you. Proof or evidence is erelevant as long as they're protecting us from "terrorism". That is not Australia to me.
This level of surveillance doesn't save us from anything, it's designed to make it easier to convict after the fact.
Election please.
If they want my data its pretty simple, get a warrant.
If they think someone is doing something naughty, get a warrant to find out what they are doing.
Hasn't the Edward Snowden saga proven anything?
The spy agencies of Australia have plenty of investigative power already. Maybe the people working there need a bit of training to learn how to exercise the power they have.
The Liberal Party of Australia should be taken to court for trading under false pretences. They are anything but liberal.
The threat stated is very minor and seems to be confined to certain individuals. If there is a real threat, get a warrant to target those individuals.
This is stupid. If anyone has anything to hide then they can encrypt it enough that you wouldn't be able to tell what they are doing.
Everyone else is going to have normal boring data that no one cares about. Capture that? Sure. What a waste.
The silly thing is that this sort of approach will drive dodgy people to use techniques that will make it harder to find them.
...and neither Abbott of Brandis can coherently tell us what sort of data they will be collecting: metadata, web addresses, but not your browsing history? What a joke.
I think the internet is a dangerous place. The world has changed since 1996 when we didn't all use the net.
I don't have a problem if metadata is used for security purposes.
I also would have supported the internet filter.
People are getting all up in arms about "FREEDOM" Half the world sits in front of the TV and has no freedom anyway..... we have laws, we have rules, we have cultural standards, we have morals. These factors all suppress our "FREEDOM" to do what ever the hell we like.
just a vibe im getting,
the campaign to get elected, similar to republican style
the corporate backing for the campaign
the asylum seeker policy
the erosion of the welfare system
i could keep going but thats the vibe i have
they dont mention the GFC, and that we haven't gone into a total depression due to the work of the govt of the day
I take a different approach. I throw a few key words into my emails; Abbot, Anthrax, Ebola, Bush, Obama etc... . Just doing my bit to keep the spooks busy. I hope no one minds that they will have to read this post?
I see your politicians are as ignorant as ours...
Well we are all stuffed!
hmmm, one day Clever Bots will lure you in with sweet talk of friendship then stick the knife of betrayal in.
They will visit forums saying agreeable comments and seek out weak minded people who want to make a difference!
great weather we are having..........:)
good luck to govt with the 1990's copper Telstra network
bit of a trickle of data, mostly text based, cause thats how we roll in aus, so no big problems collecting it
They are frigging welcome. So I am doing Seabreeze, emails, a bit of porn perving and general info on google, wiki, ebay and advertising on gumtree.
Come and arrest me yer feckers.
Very good read on the topic. Iinet have a great reputation for putting consumer first. And fighting the government for your rights. If they say they don't collect metadata then I for one believe them.
"Each ISP would only be obligated to process up to 100 copyright infringement notices each month",
It dosent want your data I wants to crack down on piracy. Bull**** not everyone is on ****ing Parliamentary wages.
Murdoch is a scumbag piece of ****.
What you should all be worried about is the privately managed system that collects all your details from your driver licence at the local pubs and clubs and matches it with facial recognition software. So any one can take a photo or cctv still of your face, plug it into the software and get all your details. That's more concerning to me then ASIO knowing that you contribute to a boogy board forum.
^^^ yep the Google app will do that also
And y'all contribute by putting all your pics online. Good luck Facebook addicts.
The most personal information most people have about them is their financial data.
Society has long since accepted the government has a right to access this in the form of taxation records. No-one complains about that - however much they complain about paying tax.
So I just don't see the problem in principle with them getting IT data. I agree with the comment about warrants though - and they should be provided by a third party (judge) rather than a politician