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Imax1 said..jusavina said..drewpweiner said..landyacht said.. drewpweiner said.. thedrip said.. drewpweiner said... Craig66 said... 
I don't get it, wouldn't it be "no respect for others"? or is he saying that all men are born brutes and only spanking causes "respect for others"? can someone explain?
You'd be a millennial, huh?
Lol, i don't think being a millennial has anything to do with the way that meme expresses odd logic. Can you explain what is going on here?
when you did something wrong you got a hiding from dad.then you learnt not to do it again. ie you learnt to respect others. unlike some of the little so and so's today
Oooh, I see now. That makes sense, thanks

I didn't correlate the concept of spanking a kid causes them to the learn to respect others when older part, usually it causes all sorts of other issues. Kids become more aggressive and anti-social, have more mental health problems from childhood into adulthood and misbehave more-and are more likely to end up abused

Ok , for all u new aged sensitive type , just replace spanked with disciplined
And if u don't think disciplined is necessary , then u can take responsibility for all the undisciplined , have fun with that

What the Cops say:- "Discipline your kids at home so we don't have to" .
Talked to a teacher once any he said some kids will never do any thing wrong and there are other kids who will always be doing the wrong thing, no matter how much discipline you hand out. And there this majority group in between who sit on the fence, not sure which way to jump. If you give this group some sort of deterrent, (like 6 of the best on the ass if they **** up,) then they probably will never step out of line. But if you remove this deterrent you have what we live with now.
Yeah yeah, a good talking too does not work, it just polishes there augmentative skills. I have 2 sons, one at each end of the spectrum.