Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

RC Gymkhana

Created by FlySurfer > 9 months ago, 9 May 2015
NSW, 4460 posts
9 May 2015 3:23PM
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NSW, 4460 posts
9 May 2015 3:26PM
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Audio in this is awesome!

WA, 1777 posts
9 May 2015 1:48PM
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^ Fly,

Having done a bunch of this, I can appreciate the difficulty in getting so much right, even including the spills. I haven't gone brushless, but probably will at some time, you don't really need it much for drifting.

Great fun is the understatement of the year, I would recommend it to anyone who has the time, and a ready supplier of spares. Particularly tyres on that surface! Ouch.

I have often walked past huge shops/warehouses part way through construction, and thought, just imagine the track you could build inside there.



Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"RC Gymkhana" started by FlySurfer